Jack Whiteside Parsons - Natal, and preview of a few period Charts
Throughout Jack's life, there was no ambiguity nor "controversy" about his birth hour - it has been, by Jack himself, communicated to and recorded by the astrologers of the time to be 23:00h.
It is only during the very recent past, not longer than a few years ago from now the most, that there has appeared another information, putting his birth time at 20:45h, and with the description of this source as "birth record".
This, then, opens the question:
If the Birth Certificate is available now, after his death, it must have been in existence during his life too; why would someone, with a birth hour recorded in a precise, specific way, as this purported "BC info" is (20:45 h) be informing the astrologers from their environment, and consistently so, that their birth time is different than that?
The event of birth was certainly witnessed (in the sense of living, experiential presence) by the mother, and his mother was alive during his life, and able to provide the info.
When two Natal charts are compared, the one with 20:45h birth hour, and the one with 23:00 birth hour, we see two fully different pictures of life and character.
The 20:45h chart shows:
Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon native, with Venus as sole angular (1*51' WP), and Su oct Ve (22'), Mo oct Ju (02') and cnj Er (1*19') as strongest dynamic Luminary aspects (in eclipto).
The 23:00 chart shows:
Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon native, with the angular, by orb:
Moon MC 06'
Sedna ZN 1*16'
Pluto AC 6*42'
Saturn AC 9*23'
And the strongest by orb dynamic aspects of Luminaries (ecliptical) being: Su oct Ve (21'), Mo cnj Er (1*48') and oct Ju (1*10').
This is not "a tiny, negligent difference" between the two core-pictures shown by these two charts.
This wasn't a caretaker, or a musician, or a perfume or fashion designer, or, say, a nursing assistant, or, a school chemistry teacher; nor was it a fragile and meek soul, strongly motivated by personal ease & comfort, avoiding conflict and controversy, a person of highly emphasized gentleness, primarily focused onto nurturing others (as the 20:45h birth time would indicate) - not even remotely so!
It was an one-of-a-kind in a clearly Plutonian manner, intense and controversial character, daring to delve into the depths that the environmental "normal" and "common perspective" considers "insane", a rocket fuel scientist (at the time when rockets that can fly up&out from Earth's atmosphere were thought as "impossible", and the very mention of it was being mocked by his contemporary scientific circles), a worldly-famous character, with strong, life-long interest in the "occult", and open, active engagement in this , and, with it all, especially in-famously known for his "Babalon working" (look at the specific picture that the 23:00h time angular planets provide!).
Neither Sedna nor Eris were known & used by astrologers during his life, nor were there at the time tools for angularity calculations available that we have now, so we can beyond doubt discard the possibility that some then-contemporary astrologer took these factors into consideration in order to come up with 23:00 as a rectified hour.
So, given the timing when this purported 20:45h birth info appeared, the actual source of it must be someone who has been both active and influential within the wider Astrology community between the time when Jack died and the present, and who has had some peculiar kind of personal stake in proving something specific, for which the 20:45h as "birth hour" is exactly suitable - so much so of a "stake" that this eventuated with a fully new "birth record data" appearing, all-of-a-sudden, about 70 years after the death of the Natus (as well as their mother as the only actually reliable first-hand-witness) -- for an event of birth of which, during the Natus' life, the time of it has not been unknown, uncertain, nor in any way some kind of a "disputable" or "mysterious" information.
People sometimes, indeed, do go to a great length with intention to, retroactively, present historical actualities different than these actually have been, when some or another projected imagery better fits their personal preferences than the actual data; and we for sure know that astrologers have by no means been immune to this (quite on the contrary...). But this, in the long run, although bringing some meager & temporary "personal-benefit" to such people, inevitably comes to eventuate in causing huge damage - effectively obstructing, and, if kept as a tolerable, "acceptable practice" and adopted as a "norm", over time leading toward the whole of the vital stream of the given Scientific endeavor itself becoming thwarted.
There is no need here to further dwell on such appearances; for the sake of Science, and in order to not allow anything of this kind to be "pestering" unaddressed for too long until so much time has passed that it becomes practically fully impossible to see through the thick veils of obscurity, this that has been said above was necessary, and we'll let it suffice.
Now let us put attention onto what the actual data shows - acknowledging what Life itself has clearly brought up to be seen, and looking into Charts so that we can learn from what this reveals to the sight.
Looking merely at the Natal as such, the chart itself speaks with astounding precision and astrological "eloquence" of details about the character and the life; verily, it's hard -- granted one is not entirely devoid of any authentic passion for this starry-oriented-science -- to not feel, simply put, mind-blown by the perfection with which the chart depicts the known actualities of the person's life.
For a more in-depth observation, after taking a thorough look at the whole Radix chart as such, I recommend looking also at what the Novien (with strongest dynamic aspects within Novien itself, and between the Novien and Radix) has to say.
It's impractical to attempt to cover all of it in a single post like this, so here's just one facet of it, hopefully to inspire your own further observation:
It isn't a surprise to see a Virgo Sun with Mercury as intensely "spiced-up" as this (cnj Mars 1*11', sq Neptune 1*14', tri Sa-Pl 47') growing up into a chemist and showing interest in combustion. But obviously, there's far more to it than simply this in Jack's life and character.
- This peculiar "one of the most influential figures in the history of American space program" (quote from one of many internet biog.) has been engage since before he was 12 years of age in seeking & effectively-finding ways how to intentionally use and direct the energy of combustion so that it streams in a longer-term, sustained way, propelling a vehicle thus moving far, far Up and Above - through the layers of Earth's atmosphere, into the open vastness of the infinite space! - look at that clustering of Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in the Novien itself, together with the Novien Uranus being as tightly as it is tied to the Radix Saturn-Pluto conjunction!
When it comes to events, this is fortunately one such excellent situation when we don't need to limit ourselves to checking only one, or two-the-most, of them (as is the case when we have such very limited information to work with); in cases like this, then, for the purpose of learning, and for the scientific inquiry in general, a full look-up into all the events for which the time and the location of pertinent charts is available to know is always the best way to go.
Within the context of this post, I will only go through a few examples, utilizing the period charts, leaving the rest of it for your own joy of further investigation.
The SL annual period 3/19/1934 till 3/19/1935
is the time during which Jack met two people that turned out to be among the most important personal connections for till the rest of the incarnation, Helen (with whom got married in April 1935), and Malina (who came as the essential "third part of the basic triangle" to the Parsons-Forman duo). Connection with Helen introduced him to the long-term intimate and sexual-partnering relationship; and Malina brought with his presence all the intellectual rigor of a Caltech academic into the established practices and habits of Jack & Edward, two "wildlings" experimenting to develop rocket-fuel propulsion technology - which certainly came in many ways as restricting and demanding, but also "consolidating", complementing the "older" duo with knowledge from the academic context, and bringing for Jack perfect practical conditions for further intensified learning.
Angular planets of this chart
(orbs for Pasadena):
t Chiron WP 43'
t Mercury IC 5*41'
t Saturn IC 6*41'
t Moon DC 7*42'
(IC = Me/Sa m;
Mo cnj Chi 1*40' m)
r Venus AC 4*36'
r N.Node IC 5*28'
The aspects of the chart's Moon:
cnj SL Chiron 2*14' a
sq SL Saturn 4*10' s
opp r Venus 2*45' s
oct r Sedna 11' s
From the internet sources, I couldn’t find the precise info about the time of meeting Helen, only the month is given, July of 1934; with the p SL Moon having entered orb to SL Sedna on 7/19, I suspect this event took place between 7/19 and 7/31.
The SL annual period 3/19/1938 till 3/19/1939
is the personal year of life during which, in May '38, Jack was invited by Forrest Ackerman to give lecture "on his rocketry" at the local L.A. Sci-Fi League (remember, the term "rocketry" was at the time considered to be something entirely within the fantasy/science-fiction realm, and was generally a subject of mockery by all the "wise", serious and esteemed members of the scientific academic community); and in January '39 the Baxters took him and Helen to the local Agape Lodge, where he experienced presence at the Gnostic Mass for the first time, and met Wolfe and Smith.
The chart's angularities:
t N.Node AC 1*15'
r Venus AC 2*59'
r Chiron IC 3*51'
r N.Node IC 4*32'
The SL Moon's aspects:
oct SL Eris 1*01' a
sq SL Jupiter 2*58' a
oct r Saturn 13' s
oct r Pluto 11' s
sq r Jupiter 4*54' s
What the pSL Moon's movement reveals, for the important periods outlined above:
May 1938
--- lecturing about rocketry at the LASFL, and the shift/expansion of this in relation to his social status, cultural-position-within-environment, and the overall publicity:
p SL Moon entered orb sq SL Jupiter on the night of 5/16
January 1939
--- attending the Gnostic Mass first-time, meeting the local Thelemic community and getting introduced to Wolfe and Smith; absent exact date info, we look at 1/15 for general preview;
pSL Moon at Noon on 1/15:
cnj pSL N.Node 40' a
oct pSL Mercury 51' s
oct r Sedna 33' s
The SL 3/20/1942 till 3/19/1943
during which, at the very "dusk" before the "dawn" of this annual period, on 3/19/42, the Aerojet Engineering Corp was launched, and the year unfolded as an intense, and increasingly so by the day, demand for the Corp's production of JATOs for the U.S. Air Army Corp (the Aerojet turning, between the day of its launching and the following December from a group of under 15 employees, to a company of about 150 employees), with Jack finding himself "up to his neck" actively engaged in "doing the impossible", manufacturing, and improving the technology on-the-go, of rockets and propellants.
In June of 1942 an important scientific break-through took place, with Jack suddenly being "hit" by an epiphany re how to improve the efficiency & functionality of the solid-fuel he's been long working on (the Insight how to use the molten asphalt came, while he was watching a group of workers pouring this into roof tiles for repair), and "Galcit-53" was born, the "precedent changing the future of rocket technology" [as the biographer John Carter has put it].
Angularities of the chart:
t Mars DC 06'
t Jupiter DC 5*32'
t Neptune MC 8*08'
t Sun IC 8*15'
t N.Node MC 8*31'
(Su opp Ne 07' m;
MC = Ne/N.No)
r Moon IC 7*27'
r Chi IC 8*23'
(IC = Mo/Chi)
The SL Moon's aspects:
sq SL Chiron 54' a
sq SL Pluto 4*00' s
cnj r Mars 4*39' s
sq r Uranus 31' a
The situation of the pSL Moon on 6/15 (mid-month w/o exact date at hand):
p SL Moon 16*38' Aries
sq 03' the
r Jupiter/Uranus direct Midpoint (16*35' Capr.)!!!
[-- on the days 6/15-6/16 tr Sun came to touch exact this peculiar configuration]
The SL 3/19/1952
covers the final ~three months of Jack's life; after being effectively prohibited from further immediate rocketry-related work within the U.S. in January 1952, he engaged in the pyrotechnic & explosives manufacturing, intending to immigrate to Mexico with Marjorie (the trip was planned for 6/18/52), toward moving further to gradually come to conditions which enable his rocketry-work to continue. These plans were abruptly cut short with the explosion on 6/17/52 which ended his life.
The angularities of the chart:
t Mercury MC 01'
t Eris MC 2*16'
t Saturn IC 3*00'
t Jupiter MC 4*34'
t Neptune IC 5*21'
(Ju opp Ne 47' m)
r Sedna MC 10'
r Neptune AC 3*02'
r Sun IC 7*10'
r Eris MC 7*50'
(Su opp Er 40' m)
The SL Moon's aspects:
opp SL Uranus 39' a
sq SL Eris 1*38' s
opp SL Chiron 2*33' a
sq SL Saturn 3*21' a
sq r Sun 30' a
oct r Venus 59' a
sq r Sedna 3*15' a
-- The transiting angular combo of Mercury-Eris-Saturn, together with the natal Sedna & Neptune, give the core outline of the central themes; but the whole needs to be considered for the actual full picture.
We see that: there is the Eris presence highly emphasized (both tr and rx Eris are angular; and the SL Moon is sq SL Eris - second of its two strongest-by-orb aspects with the SL planets); there is the Sedna theme also prominently pronounced (with rx Sedna being merely 10' from MC, and SL Moon sq rx Sedna); and together with this, there is the Saturn presence emphasized as well, and in specific as Saturn-from-the-environment (the SL Saturn ang., and the SL Mo sq SL Sa).
It is no surprise that such a chart brought up surprisingly-sudden in its abruptness turn of events, and that later the phrase "under mysterious circumstances" in some way got to be directly attached to what has transpired! ( - One needs to see the Amelia Earhart's SL 6/3/1937 & LS 6/26/1937, Victor Segalen's SL 5/13/1919, Michel Gauquelin's LS 4/30/1991, or the trio of Gandhi's charts for 1/30/1948, for a full-blown & rich in details more-immediate picture of the pattern intricacies that we see showing up here.)
Sedna's presence this strong, whether it be transiting or radix (angular, only 10' from MC would itself be enough, even without having the aspect with the Moon!), speaks of events/processes which, although coming to happen via activities of specific individuals, seemingly as simply primarily some "personal affairs" of the given human/s involved, serve as channel or manifestation-substrate for peculiar energy-movements which are of larger Collective importance --- in one or another way bringing to the surface, to be purged, or "rectified" (balanced-out), some aspect/thread of the deeper "knots" from within the realm of our collective Being that we usually call "the collective unconscious" (some or another peculiar energy-pattern or a thread thereof ripening into its open surface-emergence, so that it can be directly faced and adequately resolved).
-- What looks like "merely some personal affairs" serves, in these cases, to carry-through into expression, as a vehicle, the tremendous force of the energy that otherwise most of the time (within what's considered "normal" and "usual" circumstances in our present culture) abides fully suppressed/oppressed/deeply-hidden and blocked from its open, free surface-streaming, out-and-upward-tending, expression.
We also see the engulfment in hopes and the dreamy-naivete of the Native in the circumstances, with the tr Ju-Ne opposition across the Meridian, paired with the rx Sun on IC --- the desire and plans to gradually work on finding-a-way-out of what was undeniably felt as being-caged-in situation.
And we see the renewed vitality, and the psyche being Ready-For-The-Fresh-Start, in the closest aspects of the SL Moon (sq SL Ur, sq r Su, oct r Ve)...
This is what has colored the final cca three months. Let's then take a look more closely into the active factors at the time of death itself, 6/17/1952.
The pertinent monthly chart, LS 6/3/52, has the combo of:
t N.Node, Mercury and Venus (with this Ve being strongly tied with t Pluto, but Pluto being slightly out of the 10* orb zone), and accompanying this,
rx Jupiter and Uranus.
And its "demi", the bi-weekly chart LS 6/15/52 has:
t N.Node very tight on Nadir (and tightly aspected by t Pluto, but with t Pl again slightly out of the 10* angular-proximity zone), and together with this,
rx Venus and N.Node.
-- Both of these charts emphasize that whatever it is that is happening, the primary theme of the period is: it's about Connection of life-important scope and kind.
On the day (at 17:45h PDT),
the pSl Moon came to participate in the following exact aspect-configuration:
sq pSL Saturn 11'
cnj pSL Chiron 58'
opp t Uranus 20'
While the transiting Eris and the N.Node, came, in pair, exact to the SL Moon's position:
t Eris sq 59' a ( = just entered orb!)
t N.Node oct 57' a
And during the time when the transiting Uranus was conjunct Natal ASC, orb 40' a, at the day and time.
The transits to SL picture (the dynamic partile aspects not existing in the SL itself!) then gives further valuable information; here's the full list -- the info about tr planets to the SL Moon is repeated, but I don't want to leave it out in the listing, so that you can get the complete picture of all of it present at the exact moment of death:
Neptune oct Venus 04' s
Mercury sq Eris 06' a
Uranus sq Saturn 30' s
Saturn opp Eris 46' s
N.Node oct Eris 50' a
N.Node oct Moon 57' s
Eris sq Moon 59' a
So, we see, however it may look from the outside and at simple-glance on the surface, this event was not a primarily Mars-kind of event! - yes, Mars was present (as will be seen in the tr to rx listing), and acted as a peculiar "trigger mechanism" within the whole context of the active combination of factors, but the main tone (the theme, the key-quality) of the event and the experience for the native was Eris with the Lunar Node, together with the Saturn-Uranus combo.
Transits to radix at the day and time:
Chiron oct Venus 15' a
Mars cnj Mercury 22' a
Mars oct Chiron 27' s
Uranus sq Sedna 36' s
Chiron sq Sun 37' a
Uranus cnj Asc 40' a
Sun sq Eris 41' a
Mars sq Neptune 51' s
The Natal chart [eclipto]
~ Know Thyself! ~