
MidPoint structurings: The Evolving Perspectives

... There are, naturally, many events (process-plateaus, with this either in Initiating or the Culminating sense) which happen on Earth and from-perspective-of-the-Earth appear as highly Very-Important, while from-perspective-of-the-Sun in relation to Earth & her processes, they show to be not even nearly of as much of significance. 

 And then, also, there are phases (period-tides) which from-perspective-of-the-Sun in relation to Earth *are* highly significant, whilst during the time these are transpiring the human species amongst the Earthlings may not at all be aware of anything whatsoever of some kind of a Huge Importance (for the processes on Earth herself) is undergoing its peak-unfolding.

AND then, there are such period-tides which, in-relation-to-Earth and her processes/events show as undeniably significant, in a focalized manner, both from-perspective-of-the-Earth & from-perspective-of-the-Sun. 

The easiest way to observe this -- and to do so comparatively, from both Geocentric & Heliocentric perspective -- is on the rhythm-level of what we here on Earth experience as one natural monthly-tidal-wave, from one to another Conjunction between the Sun & the Moon, and what from the Heliocentric view is the time-unit tidal-wave spanning from one until the next moment of the Moon being right-in-between the Earth and the Sun. 
Or, in other words, practically & more briefly put: by using the period of one-natural-month, each such commencing with the Soli-Lunar longitudinal conjunction-alignment, as the basic time-unit reference. 

These  Syzygy charts, of course, can from the Geocentric perspective be looked at in relation to some or another specific location on Earth, in order to see what this-or-that planetary function/"ergie" (or their combination) --- by being Mundanely-focalized via its spatial position within the "3-great-circles-crossed Grid" at the given Syzygy moment --- is getting especially emphasized during the pertinent month, and as something which is of relevance exclusively for that one considered specific location on Earth.

For the general Geo-Helio comparative observation, though, these planetary 'mundane positions' (or what is often also called their Angularity) is not something of importance, the perspective, when it comes to Earth, being that of: observing the harmonic rhythm-processes relevant for the wholeness-unit ( -- the wholeness of this one of the "organs", or "functions" within the Solar System) which is Terra

Both the Sun and the Earth being --- each of the two, of course, in its own, mutually *very* different, and overall quite unique way --- long-term-operative-"parts" or "faculties" (functional-aspect-wholes) of the Solar system,  the fundamental astrological "tool", in this regard, for discerning the tidal movements of the related, most-immediately relevant rhythm-processes, is the observation of the mutual configurations --- and especially: their Flux in time --- shown by the planetary Midpoints-structuring. 

The fundamental simplicity of these  planetary-structuring compositions, showing their mutual inter-relatedness, is such that it requires no special "interpreting" effort of any kind --  even for an entirely-new-beginner in Astrology, there's hardly anything mysterious or "hard to grasp" about the basic notion of *a trio of bodies, positioned so that there is a pair and right-in-between them is a third*, which is the verbal description of a Direct Midpoint  mutual inter-connectedness that with symbols is represented as: 
"such-&-such" [the in-between factor] = "such-&-such" / "such-&-such" [the two other factors, which with the exactly-between-them one form the given specific trio], like, for example: 
Ve = Sa/Ur.

 it is not at all a this or that  "interpretation" (as in a situation of: one human reading/interpreting an astro-chart of another human to them) which we're looking to "come to", or to "come up with" by looking at these charts with their Midpoints-structuring in the comparative way!

 Rather than to some verbal-explanation, this observation is oriented-to & navigated-by what is a much simpler process: looking, in order to See the existing inter-connectedness-combinations of the main operative-faculties of the most-immediate wider space-time-environment, relevant as such both for-the-Earth, as well as for-the-Sun, and pertinent to a given time-space tide/period/"instance".

Undoubtedly, for the one approaching such a combination-picture, there already exist certain specific words and ideas within their conscious & subconscious mind, which are automatically attached to the symbol-glyphs seen, when seen; and these came to be thus formulated & related to the astrological, planetary glyphs through one's peculiar experiences of information-exposure thus far.

Some of them may be fully-accurately-fitting to what's the actual natural-functionality of the given body, and in the way that this can be in an adequate way applied to an analysis like this; some of them far less so, and the most of them tend to actually be entirely "off".
Various psychological & experiential factors influence this process of verbal-formulation related to the meaning of a given planetary-factor, and for how-long, in terms of Earthly years during the given person's lifetime, has one been using such a set of verbal-ideas in connection to a given symbol, is not somehow "by itself a guarantee" that these ideas are actually *fitting*, in the sense of: accurately fitting, in a wider (and more-universally-applicable) way ( -- than some personal-human-related immediacy of appearance), to what is the deepest, most fundamental: at-the-very-root of it, as one of main Solar-system's operative-bodies, intrinsic uniqueness of the natural-functionality of the given such-&-such astrological factor.

The practically healthiest approach, therefore, is based on what can be called a "three-fold stream" - to use that, however perhaps funny sounding, as a dynamic visual depiction here for practical purposes - such that one is ongoingly internally "positioned", simultaneously, in: 

---> openness for gathering information about the astrological planetary-factors through a wide variety of *diverse* reading-sources on the subject, with considering what is encountered in each of these as: potentially-valuable or potentially worthless (regardless of "how old" or "how widely-known" the given "source" may be!) depending on *what it shows to be in one's own practical Observation during a longer period of time*; --- WHILE ALSO, and this is of *huge importance*:

--->  with full open-mindedness, from the perspective of: *what is it here to be Learned, what New and not-seen/known thus-far for me are the Life's unfoldings showing via this such-&-such ?* approaching the practical experiences, one's own life-events, and the noticed processes within environment --- as a continual practice, with neutral approach to events and the Life-appearances as such: not, as they're encountered, with automatically & immediately labeling-them/determining this or that "their astrological category", but with intentional & conscious effort to: be Present-with the given process/appearance itself, as it is, whatever-it-is, from the internal actual condition of openness-of-question, an intentionally-nurtured *automatic readiness to Learn from* that which comes-in-experience, rather than the *automated readiness to "see" it in a determined/defined/already-known way* by the subconsciously-based and from-therein-working default-tendency mechanisms of immediately attaching to it one or another narrowed, very-specific idea - for the sake of thus feeling-safe in encountering-a-something-already-"known", instead of the often far-more-disturbingly-feeling alternative of internally firmly "residing" in the openness-of-question condition, for which everything encountered, and however there may be some features of what appears as already-seen-and-known to it, fundamentally contains a wholly-Unknown in itself -- arriving therefore within our scope of perception, and experience, exactly so that *this* becomes revealed!.
AND while also:

---> proceeding thus, with being fully willing and determined *to Learn* [not to show/present oneself as already-knowing-something in an ultimately-defining-way, either to own-self or to others!] moving toward thus coming to actually *Know* what can be at-the-given-time known, from *one's own Observation*: what various different experiential factors, processes and practically-noticed phenomena some given astrological symbol is fully functionally serving as a unified-representation of,  presenting invariably thus itself to be *in-retrospect*, *after* the initial neutral, naked presence-with and observation-of these processes/events, which has been *thereafter* accompanied by an earnest, as deep and as long as possible, meditation on the various verbal-formulations and ideas related to this or that planet -- with continuity to it, and approached as: "okay, in light of the unfolding-and-evolving Experience, this such-and-such idea is potentially-valuable, and potentially worthless, or may even be harmful for the further Learning process! --- and  with examining them thus Anew, and anew - unflinchingly. 

AND, making your own Notes (with dates to them!) of this journey, about both the processes, and the insights.  

This, certainly, both itself *is*, as well as it necessitates, at least *some* (prior to beginning with the Astrological observations as such) deeper, done with all-solemnity (and without any doubt to it *very hard*) work. 
It requires training of the whole of one's psycho-biological capacities (not *solely* the intellectual/thinking ones, but the emotional and physical too --- with the emotional *especially*, extremely important, for the intellectual ones to at all stand-a-chance to be further in-a-healthy-way developing....) in order to in-practice be continually performed in such a way so that the *actually* unbiased, the-least-possibly blindfolded by these or that personal tendencies, interests, fears, desires, etc, Observation can be transpiring --- conducted, and thus *persistently*, and solely thus! - with the adequate psychological both Openness & Neutrality, as well as capacity-for what is: Looking-in-order-to-See, instead of Looking-in-order-to thus-Gain/take-something via this process (to "obtain" - a "knowledge", an insight/information, etc). 

Such work is not "for everyone" --- it is only for those who truly internally feel it to be own undeniable imperative for their approach, to not just the Astrological, but simply any Observation of scientific kind, by giving to it, in wholeness of what they are and do (and doing so ongoingly, throughout-time), one's own veritably *utmost-best*. 
It requires such inherent internal Respectful perception of what is Science and what is Learning, which values and honors the processes of authentically Moving-toward and of Revealing what is true, beyond what's one's own personal feeling-of-safety, or feeling-of-self-satisfaction, or feeling-of-comfort at some or another given period, or one's-own current personal bio-physical existence which one calls own-life. 
It, at the very root, requires such an I-Thou pair-relationship presence-in the living-the-life-on-Earth which has a Third in it, the Value of which far overarches any segmentary-appearance of the "I" (the-experiencer/observer-point) or the "You" (the-otherness in the experiencing-process, the what-is-Seen), or their mutually-defining interplay as a self-feeding enclosed-loop-polarity, the sole "value" of which is in nothing outside of itself as such and the sole "functionality-purposefulness" of which is for itself to simply proceed -- exactly-as-it-is, with its dual mutually-polarized factors entirely occupied by the futility of thus simply "ping-ponging", for as-long-as-it-can.

... This Movement including the Midle-positioned, and so that it's Overarching (either encompassing, or inherently refining-&-uplifting, and evolvingly-prompting for-the-duo pertinent to it) both and each of the included polarized sides,  is open-ended:
every plateau of a  completion-phase to it that arrives, is, by itself, immediately not "followed-by" but *it itself is* the entry-way into the new, the-Next phase: a qualitatively different-yet learning-openness, being-the-question, movement-stage. 

... There is no "reward" to it either than this - the very Movement itself, as it is: there is not some ultimate-crowning-result, after which this Movement itself comes to cease-to-be. 
For, it is a Movement that is neither fearfully-running-away-from nor hungrily-running-fervently-toward, a something or other:  its inherent most-fundamental rhythm is the peaceful-dance-of-Joy together-with, in-presence-of, the Truth as the "third": that which goes-through all the mutually-polarized duality, and which overarches each of the dual, polarized sides --- being as such mutually "encountered" at any point, by either of the two-sides, that can in any way thus be experienced ....

... So, with that being said, let's now -- not "back", but Forward! -- take a directly-focused look again at this our subject: the Midpoints in an astro-chart structure-composition, and with consideration as well of the wider inquiry about approaching this as a tool, in practically usable sense, of comparative observation of the Geocentric and Heliocentric monthly-period related charts.

Aside from the what's the-very-fundamental structure-simplicity of a single Midpoint as such, with each chart being observed in its entirety, with its "details"/parts taken together as composing-aspects, all of them, of the one single unit-wholeness, the multitude of such three-fold mutual-interconnectedness clusterings, in a tightly-interwoven manner as these show up in a Midpoint-structuring listing -- may indeed very-well appear as an utterly-complex "something":

for each chart that's thus being observed, in order to See what *the whole picture* of the given structuring-composition "depicts", or Communicates (either with or without using some or another peculiar set of already-attached-to-the-symbols, with-pre-defined as already-fully-understood, verbally-formulated meanings ....), it is not enough to merely discern one or another part of it, make a note of only few of the Midpoints existing therein and therefore consider it a "job done" -- taking this partial, fragmented approach as something fully, scientific-inquiry-wise, "adequately fitting".

--- Beyond doubt, an appearance that easily tends to give headaches not only to beginners, but to the long-experienced and well-versed in Observation astrologers, too!

So, what to do?

First and foremost: do keep looking-on --- without shying-away from checking as many charts as you possibly can and are naturally feeling-drawn-to be doing so!!
--- And keep making notes. ---  With equal Open-questioning calmness-of-focus determination, equal proper-attention and internal orientation, to each "detail", each "part this and that" as these, over time, come to the forefront of awareness --- all-the-while, not, during this, losing touch, internally departing-away-from, the central, primary question-openness  --- as an yet-unanswered, not-yet-known, but certainly, without any doubt to it, such that it *is* answerable at-its-time-for-this due!! --- of: "what is it here that the wholeness present reveals?"

When the step-ways (all with their by-ways!) of the inquiry-path are thus truly, in practical sense, well-trodden, each earnestly taken with adequate attention-focus, as you simply go-no, continuing with the to-each-step/detail adequate approach, the answers for what has been left *to-further-proceed-going-with* as an still-open-question (while the "closure" to its open-spiral-curve not being sought-for with a haste nor any kind of some fervent-desire-urge to "get-hold-of" it) by themselves spontaneously start emerging

And: thereafter, whether it be after some more- or a les-so lengthy time, do not hesitate to thoroughly revisit what has at one point perhaps emerged as so fully-and-wholly entirely discerned, with such a pitch-clarity that there's-"absolutely-nothing-further"-to-it  which would now be of Learning-value to, in the wholehearted openness-of-Learning manner, approach anew. 

... There is a pictograph image-symbol in the Yi Jing,  蹇, which, verbally-formulated in English language, conveys the meaning of "The foot utmost-trained", of which I am being reminded now, while writing these lines.

Is the foot-utmost-trained some such a foot that has undergone by-quantity the-greatest-possible (compared to all other feet that it could be compared) mileage ? ... Isn't the foot-utmost-trained such that it must be verily *the*-most-exhausted, the most weary of-them-all, foot !? ... Ah, ah -- perhaps, perhaps!   --- One would need to have-and-be-using such a one, in order to very-practically, and without any place for uncertainty, be in the full-actual-knowing about it, nay? :)

 --- But, this is for sure: the HOW has it been trained [not in regard of the terrain -- these vary, and the utmost-trained foot *must* pass through all of them as they come up, pleasantly-looking more or less, unwalkable-seeming in-full or only to-an-extent... but: in regards of the *how* of the-movement-of-the-foot itself!] is of *enormous*, one'd even dare say, of veritably all-important, both Value and the overall-significance:
the properly well-trained foot, capable of elegantly-smooth, sustained, dance-like swift movement, spontaneously becomes only stronger & stronger over time, simply by the continuous activity -- with the quality of it as it is -- that it performs --- so it by no means is a foot tending easily to become exhausted by the appearance of the ever-more, ever yet-a-new, opening-up of the pathway-steps before it, as what is being encountered-by and engaged-into, in its peculiar harmonious, swift dancing-movements!

And, indeed, it is not the *quantity* of miles, as such, which makes a foot to be the-utmost-trained! --- All of it is about the: *HOW* (the exactly *quality* of it) have those miles which have-been-trodden, have been thus gone-through. 

... In order to train a foot thus actually adequately, properly-well, to train it in what's ---  for itself, as well as for everything it may encounter while it moves --- the best-possible way, one has to: know the given foot exceptionally well (so that no doing-with-it something contrary to its nature is performed!), and along with this, invariably, to: Love the given foot, with such a loving which is seeking nothing but to, plainly, enjoy in the sight of the Beauty of it, seeing it at every its visible tiny-step-movement-instance, simply being the-happiest-foot it can possibly be. 

... And: to proceed Learning about it, with and through *each* of its steps-performed, however tiny or "insignificant" some of these may at some moments appear! --- for it naturally changes in-the-going, by the going, and to miss to timely notice something of it (any of it, really!), may not only incapacitate the further training process, in regards to what's its-unique-utmost-best, but may easily even entirely bring not only the further training-capacities and that process, but the whole movement of the foot as such, to the-end.   


... The processes of evolution of Life on Terra Solis include the process of evolution of the Anthropos species' perspective ( - while it is living, , in the Earthly-physical-bodies --- and with fullness-of-presence in- & to- this --- *on Earth*!), with what's the primary "situated-ness" or centeredness-of-the-observing-consciousness naturally coming to undergo a shift: from what's collectively thus far been the most-accustomed & *exclusively*-geo-centric perspective, to the new one - characterized by continuous widening, via each the-Next-Step ... the perspective for which the experientially-known Wholeness of the observable-*Thou*-horizon of its *I*-hub-centeredness is, thus further on-goingly, ever-more-clearly Seen, & ever-more-deeply understood in actuality of Its ceaseless Expansion

Not by departing-the-Earth, not "despite" the Earth, not "against" the Earth.
*With* the Earth.
The Dance of her indeed doesn't even in-the-slightest, in any way, lack Perfection.
... It is with much disbalance-of-thinking that one may be easily prone to miss this, believing the matter to be some kind of a reasoning-issue! -- While the whole "secret" isn't a secret at all: shamelessly, with full-naked-openness it reveals itself to the body's-wholeness attunement of Hearing-&-Sight able and daring to endure -- hub-centered thus with a childlike presence -- the flooding-river-akin mighty continuity of the Celestial-Streaming moving *through* the heart.


[Pictured: an example of the third "variety" of the tidal-periods described above, with comparative Geocentric & Heliocentric listing of the Midpoints-composition.]



~ Know Thyself! ~