
Lena of Bavaria

                                                                       Photo of Lena 1898
                                                                    [image credit: Wikipedia, unknown author]

   -   Life events with analysis of Period Charts

In order to Learn about the wider Nature’s tidal-rhythms that astrology “deals with”, in relation to how these are expressed/manifest through an individual’s life-experience (events), we can benefit but a little from a fragmented perspective, looking only here and there into one or another isolated event (perhaps with intent to “collect statistical data”), focusing on a single chart or two, or a few-factors from one given chart.

It is through observing the sequence of period charts, and looking at each this or that specific event/sub-period within the wider framework-context of the individual tidal-rhythms (in the sense of practical, experiential stream-of-time) to which they belong-to, that we actually get to learn how these rhythms represented by astrological factors “work”.

In this article, we will examine the life-events/periods of Lena Christ, whose well-enough documented online biography, together with the well-recorded birth data, make for a good study case for illustrating this approach. (The birth data is available via astrodatabank, and the biography-outline is on Wikipedia).


For each SL (annual-based period) chart:

--> Observe what are the specific angular factors present, from each “side” (the environment/tr and the Nativity/rx --- with unambiguously taking note of what is from “where”), as well as the presence of related aspects (or the Midpoint structuring with an Angle), and what picture does the whole clustering thus compose;
--> observe the SL Moon’s aspects, taking note of their strength by orb;
--> and then look, in a synthetic way, at the whole of it, together, as a singular composition-picture referring to the primary experiential “tones” (qualities) for the given personal annual/quarterly period for the Natus.


SL 2/1/1888 (Glonn)

During this period, Lena’s everyday life-circumstances dramatically changed: from the small-town environment where she lived thus far with her grandparents (Glonn), she was brought to Munich to her mother’s household, and put there to perform heavy labor (as a seven years old child!), together with being subjected to physical and emotional abuse from the parental-role adults.

t N. Node AC 49’
t Sun DC 3*14’
t Uranus IC 5*10’
t Mars IC 5*15’
t Saturn AC 6*02’
(IC = Ur/Ma;
Su sq Ma 2*01’ m;
Sa sq Ur 52’ m)

r Moon DC 6*10’
r Eris DC 9*52’

--> t Ma sq r Mo 55’ m

SL Moon’s aspects:
oct r Neptune 00*00’
opp r Sedna 2*57’ a
sq s Venus 2*24’ a
sq s Chiron 3*32’ s
opp s Sedna 4*11’ a

Notice the specific combination of angular factors present:
>> transiting Node as tightest by orb in focus (personal connection for the Natus, of life-importance quality), together with transiting Sun, Uranus, Mars and Saturn; and
>> natal Moon (and this especially directly “activated” by Mars, from the clustering of transiting factors) and Eris
--- there is prominent presence of a domineering, stern kind of an authority-figure from the environment-side, abruptly bringing an earthquake-like big shift to what have been thus far the daily-established habits and routine of the Natus; their everyday emotional & physical conditions are impacted by this in a pronouncedly aggressive (if we knew nothing about the events, we’d simply from the chart itself be able to say: surely intrusive, if not outright attacking, endangering and/or life-threatening) manner; whilst the Native’s own spontaneous approach to circumstances is via own elasticity and adaptability, and this with a highly emphasized open-vulnerability and sensitivity from their side (not only is rx Moon closest angular in the fore, but the strongest by orb Lunar aspect of the chart is with the rx Neptune!).

Presence of tr (SL) Venus among the chart’s Lunar aspects would be a soothing/peace-bringing factor, if it weren’t for the specific combination of these aspects, describing the quality (the “spin” or “flavor”) which this gets: the peculiar kind of “loving” of which, from the environmental side, the Natus is on the receiving end during this year, comes for them in experience with feeling of being so-skillfully-trapped that there is no-escape-perceivable, potentially in some way explicitly disabled, or otherwise, simply with the strong tendency, in the whole of it, for Natus to feel and act in a much more receptive, submissive, potentially confused and/or blinded by own naivete, in general a pronouncedly passively-going-along, manner.


SL 2/1/1894 (Munich)

This is the life-period during which Lena’s grandfather, with whom there was mutual love and respect and who represented the most important benevolent adult figure in her life, has died; Lena was deeply emotionally hit by this, and subsequently attempted suicide (no details about this attempt are given in the online bio).

t Sedna ND 57’
t Moon AC 7*45’

r Sun MC 2*35’
r Saturn IC 2*41’
r Mars DC 5*12’

SL Moon’s aspects:
sq s Chiron 23’ s
cnj s Mars 33’ a
sq s Eris 59’ s
qnt r Neptune 47’ a
sq r Uranus 3*21’ s

 Even without knowing any particular additional details about other events that have transpired during this period, in simple light of the key-themes that we are informed about from the brief online biography, we see the chart itself speaking with such utter sharpness that barely any elaborating comment to it is needed.

-- If we knew nothing whatsoever about events, and have only seen this annual chart, we’d know something comes up for the Native during this period which has an, with irrevocability and profoundness-of-depth to it, an all-swiping effect on their life and psyche - in a “no-mercy” way pushing them to very quickly “rise to the occasion” by an intense growing-maturation effort (which includes facing-directly in its full nakedness that which is the harshest in the experience).
From the specific Lunar aspects involved and their orbs, we see there’s a tremendous both emotional and physical impact of it, the Natus is in some way explicitly, experientially, being-attacked, this coming suddenly by the development of circumstances (s Chiron, Mars, Eris), and with a strong potential for tendency/orientation from their side toward escaping, or getting entirely absorbed-into, rather than directly-facing, the what’s-going-on (rx Neptune is tied to the SL moon within under 1* of orb, whilst rx Uranus, albeit also present, is the least strong by orb among all of the active aspects of this Moon).


SL 2/1/1900 (Munich)

This year brough the culmination of the general experiential development-direction thus far, and, along with that, also a definite turn - a new step for the Natus, her movement out of the constrained conditions of the immediate domestic situation, and into exposure-to and engagement with the wider social environment.
Seeing no solution, in a definite turn toward getting-out, a choice that requires both skill and “cold-blooded” courage was made (observe the four closest by orb Natal planets angular in the chart!), by her slitting own wrists, in the household’s cellar; but, instead of departure from the incarnation, this led to the opening-up of conditions into departure from the strict-enclosure of the immediate family environment: instead of having bled to death, she was life-saving-timely found by the step-father, and later during the year begun working at a Tourist Restaurant in Munich - from which point on her overall life conditions shifted toward pronouncedly different and, in her own experience, significantly better.

t Eris DC 2*01’
t Moon DC 8*52’

r Chiron MC 1*35’
r Mercury IC 3*25’
r Jupiter MC 3*32’
r Neptune MC 4*56’
r Eris DC 9*20’

---> DC = r Er / t Mo;
   t Er sq r Chi 26’ m,
   t Er sq r Me 1*24’ m,
   t Er sq r Ju 1*31’ m

SL Moon’s aspects:
sq s Jupiter 22’ a
sq r N.Node 2*29’ a

We see the double presence of Eris among the angular planets, both tr and rx (with the tr one being much stronger by orb, and also involved, by aspects, in the specific manner with the radix cluster of closest-angular planets), together with the pronounced presence of Jupiter during this period ( - whilst Saturn is entirely absent from the foreground & the central themes of the picture). Note how the Midpoint of radix Eris and tr Moon with the Descendent, along with how the tr Eris touches, with mundane ‘aspects’, on the natal trio of Chi-Me-Ju, is so poignantly descriptive of the events: the sudden Eridian move by the Natus (toward getting-out) being met by the environmental Luna, in the specific manner focalizing these two, as a combo, marking one of the major themes of the year, and this within the picture of the SL Moon itself being involved with only two planets by aspect during the year, the rx Lunar Node and the transiting Jupiter - of which the dynamic, cross-based aspect with the tr Jupiter is 22’ wide, while also being the-closest-by-orb structural factor in the whole of the chart’s composition!

Note also how the peculiar picture-composition of the chart reflects the experience of the youth (she turned 19 at the very end of October of the calendar 1900) getting engaged into working at the Tourist Restaurant, with the exposure to visitors & travelers that this brought, a colorful stream of new & different people - with their language, culture etc. - from outside of the framework of her immediate local environment, with all the natural enriching-&-improving expansion qualities (experiential aspects) of it. [Etc. - as we go through these charts, looking at them in light of the simple facts known about actual life experience and the events for the Natus, the careful observer will not fail to notice both the depth and the bounty of the sublimely-beautiful Harmony thus revealed, far exceeding what my brief verbal comments - intended not as an exhaustive “interpretation”, but as pointers supporting your own active attentive Observation - can address here. --- I encourage you to not rush, but go slowly and reflectively through these analyses, to get the most out of it.]


SL 2/2/1901 (Munich)

This is the period during which the first major life-partnering of romantic kind for the Native - and, in specific, such that includes the intimacy of living together - has begun: she married Anton Leix, with whom, over the course of the following five years, she’ll give birth to three children. 

t Mercury IC 4*34’
t Sun IC 4*49’
(IC = Su/Me)

r Chiron WPa 08’
r Sun AC 1*26’
r Saturn DC 1*35’
r Jupiter WPa 1*56’
r Mercury EPa 2*02’
r Moon IC 6*45’
r Neptune DC 7*34’

SL Moon’s aspects:
qnt s Uranus 46’ s
opp s Venus 2*04’ s
qnt r Saturn 1*18’ s

The transiting Sun angular, is clustered here together with transiting Mercury ( - and no other tr planets, aside from these two, are focalized via angularity) --- in a sharp contrast to what we’ve seen in the composition of the SL 1888, which also included the angular tr Sun; and this comes along with both natal Lights in the fore now [as mentioned previously, the Nativity having the Sun opp Saturn, in almost all cases whenever the rx Sun is angular it comes together with the rx Saturn], as well as the natal Jupiter-Mercury-Chiron trio, and the rather simple and explicitly direct further picture-details shown by the SL Moon’s aspect: with transiting Uranus and Venus, and the natal Saturn.
She was 19-turning-20 years old during this period, for the first time fully practically away from her parental household as the home-environment, having entered de-facto the role of own responsibility and authority which this includes, and all of it in the setting of: Partnering-with a significant-other.



SL 2/2/1902 (Munich)

This is the year during which Lena became parent: her first child, son Anton, was born.

t Jupiter AC 1*24’
t Mars EP 1*36’
t Saturn AC 3*06’
t Sun AC 7*10’
t Venus AC 8*50’
(Su cnj Ve 1*40’ m)

r Moon AC 2*44’
r Jupiter IC 6*18’
r Mars DC 6*37’
r Mercury MC 6*57’
r Chiron IC 9*47’
r Pluto IC 9*54’
(r Ju-Ma-Me T-sq mundo;
IC = Chi/Pl)

--> t Ju cnj r Mo 1*20’ m

SL Moon’s aspects:
sq s Mercury 10’ s
qnt s Sun 23’ s
sq s Venus 1*06’ a
qnt r Uranus 1*20’ s
opp r Pluto 1*53’ s

Notice that among the transiting angular factors, tr Jupiter is closest by orb, and from the natal side, it is the rx Moon - and how, among all the chart factors, it is specifically these two (and solely so!) which are mutually tied by a mundane ‘aspect’ formed between the tr and rx planets, and how this --- for the peculiar, clearly biographically known, Native’s major life-experience of the period --- is configured together with the prominence of the transiting Venus, which now is not solely present by the SL-Moon’s aspects-structuring, but by angularity as well!

From the whole of the chart’s composition, we see that by no means was this an “easy time” for Lena, however the tr Jupiter was the strongest-by-orb-angular, and the tr Sun “adorned” with the mundane-conjunction with tr Venus; yet, how she has been dancing-with and responding-to the circumstances of the year included vigorousness and enthusiasm of the nature/quality which otherwise is not a “usual” trait of her character: albeit the rx Moon followed by rx Jupiter are the two strongest-by-orb focalized natal factors, we see here appearing the mundane ‘aspect’-connection of rx Jupiter, Mercury and Mars which form a T-square - a configuration which does not exist in the Natal chart, and which, in addition to that, by the tightness of its orbs here (all three are mutually tied within under 40’ of arc) is being especially emphasized.


SL 2/2/1904

During this year, the “hell broke loose” for the Native when it comes to the thus-far taken direction of nesting into a settled-family-life: the husband begun drinking and gambling, we read in the biography, and started behaving violently - sexually included - with Lena; with two children already having been born, the younger of them about a year old during this time, they had to leave Anton’s parental house where they have been living, and many changes of residence ensued.

t Moon EPa 19’
t Eris DC 3*01’
t Mars DC 3*11’
(DC = Ma/Er)

r Pluto MC 1*14’
r Mercury IC 7*48’
r Jupiter MC 8*23’
r Uranus AC 9*23’
r N.Node IC 9*34’
(Ur sq Node 11’ m)

--> t Mo sq r Me 42’ m;
   t Mo sq r Ju 1*17’ m

SL Moon’s aspects:
qnt r Sedna 14’ s
oct r Mars 55’ a
sq r Pluto 1*09’ a

For a Nativity with Uranus and Eris angular (and these as the only natal angular planets, with Ur being 20’ from WP,  Er 2*27’ from EP, and the two connected by 2*07’ orbed opposition, in longitude), we can expect everything-but a settling-down, a what’s generally considered as a “normal and peaceful” direction of motion, or anything of that sort, whenever even only one of these two features among the rx-angular factors in an annual-period chart (her SL 1918 comes as a nice sharp example of this) - it is the expect-the-unexpected ‘formula’, if we’re to be reckless enough to with-a-single-phrase attempt to formulate it :)  And when the presence of one of these is additionally emphasized by the same transiting factor also angular, and/or one or both (whether tr or rx) in a tight aspect with the period chart’s Moon, we can be sure the given period is bringing a shake-up of the to-be-remembered kind: not only some ”passing excitement”, but a step-into-entirely-different-realm by the Native, an expansion-move life change which does not include merely a re-formulation kind of shift or transition, affecting the distribution or mutual-structuring of the existing-elements within the already-created general framework, but is analogous to an inter-dimensional shift: the New which thus experientially opens up is what’s been entirely outside of the previously at-all-perceived as possible, or otherwise, generally in any way imaginable/conceived-of-as-even-potentially-existing. 

All-considered-together of the “elements” present in an annual-period chart’s configuration, is, of course, what shows the unique specifics of the given chart’s exact composition, with its pertinent tones, each of the prominent-factors’ volume, and the graduation of it all within the whole; but approaching the periods with mindful awareness of the key, most-important Natal-chart themes, as we go with analyzing these charts along with reflecting on them in light of known historical/biographical data, helps us more easily discern the different major frequency-waves within the complex stream-of-clusterings appearing in the longer sequence of the annual period charts.

Here, the natal Uranus is in the fore, while not being among the strongest-by-orb natal factors, and is mundanely (11’-of-arc!) square-configured with the natal Lunar Node, as a unique feature for this chart; and, together with this, we see: the Angle focalizing the transiting combo of Mars and Eris; the strong presence of Mars theme repeated as such by the natal Mars being in tight-orbed aspect with the SL Moon; and the natal Pluto being “put forth” in a double manner, both by its angularity & the orb of it, and the 1*09’ sq with the SL Moon --- and with this, this Moon coming as the sharpest-orbed one single transiting factor, among the tr angularity. --- Whether this be a chart we look at in retro-spect or in pro-spect, with or without knowing any practical details of what’s-transpiring, the chart as such is an astrological “set up” promising, at the very least, a fiery kind of Movement-Change-&-Excitement, the whole pictures speaking not merely of a-stirring, but of an intense burst of some peculiar kind poised-to-come-up, and this with the Native’s most spontaneous manner of their dancing-with the conditions being of the initiative-taking, courageous, piercing and decisiveness-colored quality. 

Yet, note that neither Sun nor Saturn (natal, or transiting) are prominently present in this chart - neither by angularity, nor by an aspect with the SL Moon; the centralizing theme-quality of the inherent Solar-authority, as well as the structuring/organizing/thorough-cleansing theme of the Saturnian, are absent from the “central stage” of what’s focalized during the period: instead of cutting her ties with the abusive Anton at this time, and proceeding - however inevitably harsh that would have come, with the two children as young as they were - with further moving on her own, Lena chose to stay in this relationship, and it was not sooner than about five years thereafter (with their third child having been born in the meantime), during the SL 1909, that the definite clear-cut separation move came to transpire.


Various interesting events took place between the SL 1904 and the next one we’re to examine here - including the Native’s solitary caring for her two daughters whilst scrambling to keep the three of them in existence, becoming entangled into the forgery-of-paintings activity, getting sentenced for “procuration” as well as for “fornication”, and having the daughters taken away from her and put into a “Catholic children’s home”; without having the more specified info online about the months for the key events among these, and to keep within moderate the length of this article, I will leave this period to your own investigation; the SL sequence 1909 - 1911 was the period focalizing the described unfolding.


SL 2/2/1912 (Munich)

This year brought for Lena, at her age 29-into-30, a big and definite turning-of-tides from what has been the moving-trend thus far during the previous about 8 years:
in March 1912, the divorce with Anton Leix was legally finalized, and, having (during the calendar 1911) started to work as a dictation-writer with a local Munich-based archivist and historian Peter Jerusalem (later to be known as Peter Benedix), this relationship developed into them getting married during this SL, and him “inducing her to write down her personal experiences”, which promptly led to [ -- note that this is a Nativity with a Mercury-Jupiter tight opposition, which is tied to Chiron as well!], in September 1912, her debut book coming out; and her daughters came back to her during this year as well.

t Jupiter IC 6*08’
t Eris DC 9*18’

r Uranus AC 1*38’
r N.Node IC 7*09’

--> t Ju cnj r N.Node 1*01’ m

SL Moon’s aspects:
qnt s Venus 42’ a
oct s Eris 44’ a
opp s Sun 2*39’ a
sq s Saturn 3*38’ a
qnt r Eris 24’ s
sq r Saturn 27’ s
qnt r Venus 1*10’ a
sq r Sun 2*12’ s

The complexity of the SL Moon’s aspects of the chart is paired with, on the other side, a rather very-plain simplicity of its angularity: we see it’s a primarily tr-Jupiter & rx-Uranus themed period, with the natal Uranus being the closest-by-orb angular factor, and the tr Jupiter being tightly tied mundanely with the natal Lunar Node. - Whatever the details may be, what colors the whole year in the primary, major way is: the focused presence of the benevolent/protective/supportive environmental-side tidings toward the Native, while their own ingeniousness/originality, the inner radical inherent-freedom-orientation, comes to show up into its focalized expressiveness; and the events related to interpersonal Connections of-Life-importance for them, together with this, are playing, as a theme, a major role during the unfolding of the annual tide, with the primary tone in this being of the Joy-shared/increase-in-Quality (or simply, perceptible-improvement in pleasure, comfort, or ease) kind.

Attentive examination of the aspects of the SL Moon here, along with considering what the dSL chart shows, pertinent to the period when her first book was published (September 1912), and being aware of the central tones and qualities of the Natal chart itself as such, easily reveals that by no means this “fortunate turn” came as some kind of “by-a-grace-from-above” striking of “luck” for the Natus: it came as a period of Fruition, a culmination-phase of the slowly maturing experiential processes, which have necessitated the Native’s own hard work and effort through each step/sub-phase of it, during the whole of her life thus far, so that at the time of her first Saturn’s Return these specific conditions and the events-sequence came to unfold, rather than something else. 

The annual sub-period chart, covering the third quarter of this year, during which she emerged into becoming known within the community as an author - a book writer - shows:

dSL 8/5/1912 (Munich)

t Uranus ND 11’
t Sun MC 3*16’
t Moon MC 3*47’
(Su sq Mo 31’ m)

r Moon IC 1*55’
r Chiron WPa 1*44’
r Sun AC 6*12’
r Saturn DC 6*22’

qSL Moon’s aspects:
sq s Uranus 2*59’ s
qnt r N.Node 07’ s
oct r Uranus 1*20’ s
opp r Sun 3*53’ a

Hardly anything can be more fitting a description, in the simplest astrological terms, of the coming-into-prominence, emerging as an individual with some of own very unique, distinguished capacities, sharply to the popular-knowledge & attention of the public eyes, as the angular combination set-up of the pair of the transiting both Lights, together with the natal both Lights!

The style and contents of this first book written & published, from what we can see from the internet biography account, was marked by the, characteristic for the Nativity, Sun opp Saturn and with the natal angular Uranus-Eris flavor to it: “In it she portrayed in unusually drastic words her life, the shattered relationship with her mother and the human and sexual tragedies of her marriage. […] The book was not initially successful, but was praised by literary critics […]”


Following the SL 1912, continued writing ensued, with the books that came out during 1914 and 1915 drawing a greater degree of public attention and Lena thereafter becoming established as a literary author, not solely within the more immediate community but within the wider German-speaking area; she was invited to an audience with King Ludwig III in 1915, and in 1916 received the Ludwigskreuz as the Royal Court Institution’s token of appreciation for her writing work.

During 1917, with Peter having been army-conscripted to Landshut since 1915, she has decided to join him, has “disbanded her household in Munich” and herself moved there as well - but the conditions have not been developing well, and instead, she “fell ill of tuberculosis and depression”, we read in the biography. This was the onset of the final three years of her life, which ended on June 30th 1920, in Munich.

The SL 1918 period brought an intense and dramatic unfolding, and I hope you won’t miss to examine the chart on your own, in light of the known life events (that chart has set in Landshut).

We’ll take a detailed look here at the SL 1920, with the pertinent sub-period charts immediately relevant for the process leading to her death, & to the event of death itself.   


SL 2/2/1920 (Munich)

t Venus IC 27’
t Chiron DC 49’
t Pluto MC 1*14’
t Sedna DC 4*29’
(Ve opp Pl 47’ m
Chi sq Pl 25’ m
Ve sq Chi 22’ m)

r Sedna WPa 1*25’
r Eris WP a 1*30’
r Venus AC 5*32’
(Er cnj Se 05’ r.a.)

--> t Se opp r Ve 1*03’ m

SL Moon’s aspects:
qnt r Saturn 54’ s

Having previously left Landshut, and the embittered Peter (with whom formally separated in autumn of 1918, yet remained in contact), and having returned to Munich, enamored with the newly met Ludwig Schmidt and engaged in, what was from her side perceived as, romantic connection moving-into-partnership with him, this year’s tide brought a quick and sharp disillusionment cut: Ludwig, for whom, as it turned out, she was “just one affair among the many”, left her. -- Observe the exact specific combo of what transiting, and what natal, planets are angular in this SL !!!

The whole chart, as the final SL for the Native whose death has been classified as a “suicide”, and the actual details of related practical, immediate circumstances got to be somewhat more clearly revealed no sooner than 20 years thereafter - is indeed remarkable.
We see the Eris-Sedna angular together while also tightly interconnected, from the Natal side here - conjunct in Right Ascension with mere 5-minutes-of-arc orb! (An aspect which does not exist in the natal, nor are the two mutually otherwise connected within the radix-context) -- the duo characteristically appearing as prominent in the final charts (across different “categories”) for events of death to which the phrase “under mysterious circumstances” in some way gets to be attached as a descriptor.

The transiting-angular trio of Venus, Chiron and Pluto, each of them under 1*20’ from a major angle, are mutually tied by a mundane T-square-structuring, all of it interconnected within under 50’ of orb!  The transiting Sedna - the fourth tr angular factor, of the four of them in total - is connected very tightly with the natal Venus, opp 1*03’ m -- an aspect as such which has not been operative as a transit-to-natal at the time, and which uniquely appears (and so while both of these are on Angles) within the context of this chart.  And, with the whole of this angularity picture exactly as it is, we see the SL Moon’s dynamic planetary-‘involvement’ by aspect via only one single such connection - not more, not less (i.e. none), but precisely this “much” and precisely with this planet, among the total of planets from the SL chart and the Radix chart - the 54’-orbed quintile natal Saturn !!

The pertinent quarterly chart (covering the second half of the SL year, and including the time of death) shows:

qSL 5/3/1920 (Munich)

t Saturn AC 18’
t Uranus DC 1*08’
t Moon IC 9*40’
t Eris DC 9*52’
(Sa opp Ur 50’ m)

r Mercury IC 2*18’
r Jupiter MC 2*33’
r Chiron MC 4*42’
r Pluto MC 8*11’
(Me opp Ju 15’ m)

--> t Er sq r Pl 1*41’ m

qSL Moon’s aspects:
qnt s Saturn 41’ s
cnj s N.Node 1*54’ s
opp s Sun 4*47’ s
oct r Sedna 1*20’ a
opp r Neptune 1*36’ a
opp r Chiron 3*50’ a

We learn from the biography that, together-with and within-context-of, the romantic/emotional turmoil of the circumstances, Lena was at this time living within conditions of stark material hardship; with one daughter ~ 17 years old, and the other ~ 14, the matters-of-bare-existence financial pressure pushed her into resorting to an essentially harmless, yet nevertheless illegal, activity of signing “valueless” paintings with the names of well-known painters and selling these; it came to the knowledge of the local law-authorities, and during this quarter she was in the situation of facing the potential imprisonment sentence.

- Note the combination of the five closest-by-orb angular planets in the qSL chart (with marking the distinction between what’s the Environmental-side, and what’s the from-Nativity-side in it), as well as the two partile mundane-aspects configurations formed among them!

It is within this context that the final weeks of Lena’s life transpired.

For a more direct & easy visual preview of included factors and the peculiar way of how these are mutually clustered, here’s the symbol-based rather than a typed, alphabetical-forms-based, preview of the sequence of the LS charts pertinent to this time (the three full-monthly charts, and the two Demis, covering the period from the beginning of May until her death in end of June):

Observe how the planetary combinations with their specific clusterings, present by angularity here,  flow, from one into the next, in the sequence of these by-weekly planetary picture-configurations.

The LS 5/2, dLS 5/17 and LS 5/30 charts, each, have the transiting duo of Jupiter-Neptune in the fore, and this coming combined with the presence of a natal Light (or the pair of them); the details and peculiar configurations, of course, have been shifting, from one bi-weekly period to the next, yet this one theme has been present throughout the six weeks prior to the very final 17 days of Native’s life: something which is elating, perhaps misguiding them, certainly with a component of projected-imagery/illusions to it, whilst also hopes/dreams-inciting, has been from the side of the environment prominently present, affecting the primary tone of their day-to-day experience, and this coming paired with a vitally-important faculty of their own psyche (a Luminary) being focalized in expressiveness.

Then the dLS 6/13 set, bringing forth an entirely different tone: natal Pluto 48’ from MC as the single most-intensely- focalized one among the angular factors, and this within the whole composition of:
tr Uranus-Saturn and Eris on angles, along with rx Pluto, Mercury-Jupiter, Uranus-Node;
and the LS’s Sun “channeling” (or: conducting, transmitting - via its longitudinal-position connection with their Direct Midpoint) the ergie-combinations of: tr Saturn/Chiron, tr Uranus/Chiron, and the rx Mars/Pluto! [ --- the same her natal direct Midpoint with which Peter’s rx Saturn is involved, as one of the key, strongest-by-orb, interchange-contacts between their two charts …. and, as it became known only decades later after her death, it was his “benevolent help” of providing her with the cyanide that made her departure at this time & in such specific way possible.]
-- The whole picture of the chart indicates it was during these two weeks, between 6/13 and 6/26, that her internal tides shifted from what was a vital-openness-of-engagement into a definite-withdrawal orientation; an inner turn-away-from-the-unbearable-brutality-of-conditions decision was made and, within the environmental quality of tidings favorable for it as these have been, what the period of the LS 6/26 brought about was simply - the execution; note the specific angular planetary factors in this chart (the very final LS), and how the rx Mars and Uranus were not only brought-to-the-fore, but with a mundane-square connection as well, all with the details that the LS Sun’s involvement with the Direct Midpoints and the planets, from both tr and the rx side, shows!  

On the day itself, June 30th 1920, the aspect-configuration of the progressed SL Moon (Noon orbs):
qnt r Neptune 33’ s
qnt r Venus 16’ a
qnt tr Uranus 02’ a

While the transiting Saturn came, by a cross-based aspect (octile), to touch-exact on the SL Moon:
 15’ applying, at Noon on the day.


The whole list of Transits to Natal is always useful to see, however not everything in it is about something in Native’s experience we can explicitly know about.  With consideration of what are the orbs, and whether it’s applying or separating, as well as taking note of factors which appear here repeating what we’ve also seen as pronounced in either the period charts, and/or the Progressions, or as prominently important factors in the Natal itself, this --- at first glance perhaps seeming as “too much details” --- practice of previewing in this way the full list of Tr-to-Rx for a given day, enables one over time to start noticing patterns that otherwise easily tend to entirely escape the scope of the astrologer’s perception.

Here, among other factors which are quite obvious in the context of what we know about the experience on & around this day for this Natus, what is of interest to note is the two-way Mercury-Chiron connection, which, with the tr Mercury’s speed of motion, is a factor very uniquely pertinent to exactly this day in the sequence of days surrounding it, during this period --- and with this combination, the Me-Chi as pair, so often showing up in a prominent way in the suicide cases which include the necessity of  refined, dexterous application of skill in some or another specific way as an aspect of their execution-process.

The transits to Radix for Lena’s chart on 6/30/1920, orbs for Noon:

Sedna sq Mars 02’ s
Sedna oct Pluto 08’ a
Sun oct Jupiter 12’ a
Chiron opp Venus 19’ a
Neptune qnt Eris 21’ s
Neptune sq Saturn 24’ s
Pluto qnt Moon 34’ s
Mercury qnt Chiron 37’ s
Venus qnt Moon 38’ s
Uranus qnt Venus 46’ a
Chiron oct Mercury 49’ s
Pluto oct Chiron 57’ s
Jupiter oct Sedna 58’ a


[Natal chart, eclipto view]


~ Know Thyself! ~