
re: Earth's Annual-tide rhythmic Celebrations

The Solstices and Equinoctes, long celebrated as natural "turning points" and thus specific Holidays, mark the quarter-moments of one Earth's annual tide. The reference-framework within which these are observed is the Earth-Sun spatial relationship, and this exclusively within the context of: Earth's position in space during the course of one whole rotational-tide of our planet around the Sun, measured as such from one of these four distinct moments of this tidal-rhythm. 

Here, the underlying perspective-framework is that of the Earth-Sun system being a purely mechanical phenomenon-process, consisting of these two bodies, of which one is taken as fixed, with the other moving in a circle around it, and which exists "on its own", is defined by itself, and is entirely unrelated to anything whatsoever within the environment in which it exists. 

Although somewhat practically useful, this way of perceiving & measuring the Earth's annual tidal rhythm veils from our sight, and keeps us mis-aligned, rather than supporting our ever-increasing attunement-to, the wider Natural rhythms, and serving to reveal, instead of conceal, their actual dynamics (laws-of-motion). 

The Sun-Earth system as such does not exist "in a vacuum", isolated-from, or otherwise fundamentally-non-related-to, the rest of the time-space continuum, which we generally know by the term Universe (or Cosmos). 
The whole Solar system - our local star the Sun, with its suite of planets and their Moons - is exactly what & how it is, and moves as it does, as part of the Milky Way, our local Galaxy ( - and by "our" here is implied: we Earthlings, and this Solar system we're part of, *belong to it*, not the other way around!).

So, indeed, albeit from the partial, very limited (and fundamentally incorrect) perspective of the Sun-Earth as system "existing on its own" our planet's annual tidal rhythm can be measured & represented via these 4 points we call Equinoctes & Solstices, which simply re-occur over and over again in a repeating-of-the-same circular manner, in truth, the whole Solar system moves around & outwardly-directed-from the center of the Galaxy - *not* in a circular, but open-ended, spiral-expanse motion.
Keeping to the practice of celebrating the four seasonal moments (and this aside from the fact that the four seasons of the climate as such, anywhere on Earth, are now, as phenomenon, becoming entirely obsolete), we keep not only our conscious mind & awareness away from getting more directly attuned to the actuality of rhythms (and existence of it as such, at all!) of the wider context of the Universe, but - and this is of primary importance! - our *subconscious psyche*, and the whole foundational psycho-biological system directly related to it. 

Or, in other words: by perpetuating the already-established, ritualized habitual practice (individually & collectively) of moving (and existing) within a framework of a two-dimensional circle, as a perpetuated self-feeding loop of "eternal re-currence of the same" - we keep ourselves (at the primal, deep level, psychologically as well as physically) locked within this pattern, and keep training into dormancy (eventually, to full atrophy) our capacity for attunement with the wider space-time Continuum, the living-moving Cosmic Body of which our Solar system is only one tiny organelle.  ... Much like a dog chasing its own tail, or a mouse running on a rotating-wheel, with these 4-seasons Ritual/feast-celebration practice habitualized in a fixed manner, and kept perpetuated as the basic annual Natural-rhythms framework for the celebrations, our inherent capacities of Sight, over time are getting trained out of existence - toward total blindness, such that even merely the potential for Sight eventually gets extinct; instead of becoming increasingly more and more Connected-with and attuned-to the rest of the Universe, we gradually slip into greater and greater isolation from it ...

The movement out of this dead-end-loop is via conscious introduction of new, different Rituals - over time, as the framework of perception of species widens, gradually adjusting our practices which are at the basis of the (individual & collective) Natural-tides-related habit-establishing beat-like movements. 
Most of what we can see of the sky here on Earth are the aspects of the time-space continuum belonging to this our local Galaxy. 

How exactly is the Center of Milky Way Galaxy connected to other Galactic Centers, we presently do not know.  What *is* clear is that the first-next (in the sense of immediacy-proximity for us) hub-like reference-point, akin to how the Sun functions for its planetary-suite company, is our Galactic Center.  So, our first next annual-tide-related, habit-establishing, healthy and natural collective step is the introduction of Rituals which are not Earth-Sun-as-isolated-system-in-itself based, but are based on awareness of our Galaxy as our *actual* existence-related Natural framework. 

By the calendar system we use to measure time now, the Earth-Sun duo is aligned (and each time in a specific manner so) with the Galactic Center directly twice per year: on (or immediately-next-to) the dates of June 19th and December 19th.
The primary reference used for measuring here is the Zodiac - the starry-belt area of the Ecliptic - defined by the stars of this area themselves, not by the Earth's movement around the Sun (which is the Tropical framework): the Galactic Center is aligned with the 2*07' Sagittarius, so when the Sun comes to this Zodiac position ( ~ December 19th), the Earth is toward-the-other-side (aligned with the ~2* Gemini, observed Heliocentrically), and there is a direct spatial alignment of the Earth-Sun-G.C.; as well as when the Sun is positioned at 2*07' Gemini (~ June 19th) - with this configuration putting the Earth in-line exactly between the Sun itself and the Galactic Center. 

... Each time one of these two peculiar configuration-positions of the Sun-Earth system in reference to the core of our local Galaxy happens as event, we're at a different position in the time-space continuum; the Solar System moves on its unique path, in expanse-spiral motion, out-&-further-away from the Galactic Center - path such that each new "step" of it is yet-untraversed, still-uncharted, in truth: yet-unknown - *coming into existence by this motion itself* !
What we, as species, will see of the Infinity thus unfolding depends on how we train our capacities for such sight.

Let our feasts-of-times Rituals be rightly performed - with Joy, in this continuous flight, celebrating Beauty at each next "semestral-stone-step", dancing with our hearts-minds-&-bodies with ever-increasing harmony of attunement to the perfection of Nuit's delight!

[image credit: wiki fandom]


~ Know Thyself! ~



When we talk about "tides" in astrology, be it transits, or tides related to the progressions, or to the annual and monthly rhythms, we talk about PERIODICITY.
This word *periodicity* refers to what we also call RHYTHM, or the frequency-related properties of a perceivable & measurable motion of a body (or, more precisely put, an inter-related system of bodies!).
What we have and use today under the name "ephemeris" in astrology came as result of initial long-term observations, paired with consistent recording of what has been actually observed.
The oldest preserved written material of this kind is known today as the "texts" of the "Enuma Anu Enlil", and the "Babylonian Astronomical Diaries"; these are recordings based on which over time insights into rhythms (periodicity) of astrological planetary bodies emerged with greater clarity, and which enabled such historical figures as Nabiruannu and Kidinnu to later develop what is today called the "System A" and "System B" of tablets, out of which, as early Lunar and Solar motion related observations, notes and insights, over time further conclusions were made possible, so that the calculations of planetary movements which we now call "ephemeris" came to be.
In other words: all we have calculated and written about what-will-be when it comes to the future movement and positions of astrological planets is based on *what we have seen so far of their motion* - it is a *projection* of the periodicity recognized, during what has been within our perception and experience-thus-far, into that which is yet-to-come.
Whether the planets, for each new day (time period) will be moving/at-position as these calculations show, we do not know *with absolute certainty* in advance; just like we do not know *with absolute certainty* whether the phenomenon of Sun rising will transpire for each next day, until this day actually comes to unfold in experience. In truth, all we do know is: "this is how it has been happening so far".
The longer the time-span of observations and the data recorded available, with greater certainty we approach the conclusions (rhythms/pattern-related insights) made based on that data, and more sure we feel about a given thus ascertained rhythm or periodicity to be representing such natural laws the insight into which enables us to not only know what-was, but to also, and solely in this rhythm-related specific way, be aware of what-is-yet-to-be.
During the long, slow and gradual process of this scientific development, a habit formed of slipping from the perspective framework of *observation in order to learn what-is* into *observation in order to confirm what's already been concluded upon, seen as-it-was*, and with this latter, from what used to be *looking in order to See, so to move in alignment with natural rhythms about which the insights have emerged* into *looking in order to control*, to direct in accordance to someone's *interpretation of symbolic-representation notes of these rhythms* the further movements within the human activities.
To say that we can "predict", or know in advance, *exactly* what events will come to transpire in the future, is a blatant lie.
The *specifics* of what is the Future, the yet-to-come, is, as long as it is what it is - the future, and not the present or past - Unknown.
That which we can rightfully call "the known" is simply: the degree of our understanding of rhythms/periodicity/patterns of the thus-far-observed -- this degree (as well as the quality of it) changes (evolves) over time; and *within this context* there is the (lesser or greater) degree of reliability of that which has been noticed, and thus-far-ascertained-as, Natural Laws.
As this understanding deepens and evolves, through experience and observation, the *intimacy of connection* with these Rhythms (or movement-patterns) becomes greater and we are able to make decisions and perform actions, during our Earthy existence, in increasingly greater (more fine-tuned) accord and harmony with these, observed as universally-applying for our life on Earth, Rhythms.
And this is the sole function and central "purpose" of the astrological prediction tools: to expose one's conscious mind to awareness-of and immediate perception of these subtler Rhythms, such that one's personal movements: choices & actions, can be aligned, *with greatest possible degree of conscious awareness* in it, with the wider natural Rhythms/periodicity of movement, the what we call "celestial harmony".
Or, in other words: we are listening to the "music of the spheres" - not in order to somehow "put" our intellectual mind in position of a "composer", or even merely "conductor" of such vast, *infinite* Symphony, but simply for the natural Joy of abiding in the awe of presence to its openly-disclosed Beauty; and this spontaneously leads toward the instruments which are our individual human selves developing into functioning with ever-increasing degree of attunement to this Harmony.
When it comes to the practically most-relevant, primary tides for someone existing on Earth, we're in the "midst" (the observation point) of a tripartite system: Sun-Moon-Earth. The Moon revolves around our planet (and is the single one celestial body to be doing so), and the Earth-Moon system revolves around the Sun (the Sun being our first-immediate celestial body around which this planet revolves; and the next such - the first next when it comes to distance in space - being the Galactic center itself).
All that we can observe and see about the motions of each of these two, the Sun and the Moon, in the sky, is based *on the mutual connection* of their rhythms, as it is experienced/seen from Earth.
The actual precise measurements of Sun's position along the background-reference of the celestial belt-area of the Zodiac are possible due to the qualities, unique speed and rhythms of the Lunar movement. The stars near-by the Sun itself can be immediately observed only at dawn and at sunset. It is the rhythm of the Moon, and this *exactly as it is in its relation with the Solar visible rhythm-of-motion across the sky*, which makes it possible for us to see the periodicity (the rhythms, patterns) and to come to conclusions (calculations) about the movement of both & each of these two bodies.
Neither could there develop observation-based knowledge of one or the other of these two bodies’ motion, without the peculiar inter-connectedness of their rhythms.
Or, to express this in another way, using historical more "technical terms": it is the observed Syzygy (the Soli-Lunar conjunctions and oppositions, or the New and Full Moon) phenomena which has been the *key* factor in the development of the "System A" and "System B" computation-tablets, that are the basis of all that we know and use today under the name of "planetary ephemeris".
The precise measurements of the motion of the five naked-eye visible planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) against the starry backdrop of the Zodiac belt are only possible within the context of our awareness of the Rhythms of the Soli-Lunar tides; these observations and measurements can accurately be performed solely within the framework-context of our perception of Time itself - the nights-&-days, the months, and the years.
It is the Soli-Lunar periodicity, the pattern-tides of the mutual connection of their rhythms, which is at the root of all of our practical (as creatures-living-on-Earth), perception of Time.
I ask the reader to read again, and stay as long as it may be needed, with the above five paragraphs.
It is not possible to understand in what ways & to what degree the existence and motion of these two celestial bodies, the Luminaries, differ for us practically, when it comes to both the Nature and the Importance of it, from the existence and motion of the rest of the "planetary suit" of our local stellar system - not possible to at all see this properly without spending some time reflecting on the mutually-related dynamic, the intrinsic inter-dependency (for us on Earth), this specific very peculiar *how* of the mutual-connection between these two, Luna and Sol.
It is not the Sun and the Moon, each separately, but the two of them *together* --- the two-operating-as-one in what we call the Soli-Lunar tide, and specifically with their Syzygy-phenomena as the key moments in this tide --- which makes it possible for anything that we know in present day as "astrological calculations", and "astrological predictions", to at all be.
So when exactly did the "fork in the road" come to appear for the notion/concept of the *Solar and Lunar Revolutions* to become interpreted as: referring to the position in time for each of these bodies, by itself, in relation to a given its own natal Zodiac position - as the primary basis for the annual and the monthly tide related astrological predictions?
When was it initiated, in astrological practice, that these Two, the Luminaries, with their peculiar Singular, mutually intrinsically tied-to-each-other and inter-dependent tidal rhythm of visible motion, start being perceived (and thought-of & treated) in a seclusive, continuity-of-wholeness-disrupting/dispersing, blindness-based (and further greater-and-greater blindness-fostering) way ... ?
... We know that during the 16th century there appeared a text titled "De Revolutionibus Nativitatum", whose author's name has been signed as "Hermes". And we know that all the astrology-related material that has been circulated and worked-with in Europe during & surrounding the wider time-span of the Dark Ages period is based on the early Greek material.
And we do know that the core of the Hellenistic astrology, with main content & further branch-stemming of it which still has survived to this day to be available to us now, is based on the material which was transferred to Greece from the Middle East; during Alexander's time, at cca 330 B.C., Callisthenes was operative in bringing the Naburiannu and Kidinnu Tablets from the Babylon-region to Greece.
The destruction of libraries, with its irreparable loss of historic documents, as well as other human activities of similar kind over time, lay over it as a heavy, thick veil of blackness, hiding the details of the process from the direct immediacy of our vision ...
..... It is up to those whose eyes -- both eyes together in tandem, and with each wide open -- have been well habituated and trained to look into the pitch-darkness of the nakedness of the night sky, to *keep Observing* - and to persist - through all the passing tidal shifts and changes - until, for each such pair-of-eyes acting-as-one, their unique celestial-harmony-based phase of Revelation, the emergence-into-clear-sight of that which has been hidden and obscured, comes to its due opening-up.


 ~ Know Thyself! ~


About The Astrological MARS

*** About the astrological MARS ***

During the more recent past (of the long existence of this our Science), the astrological ergie represented by planet Mars has been often connected to the term and notion of "power" – with a tendency of moving toward a trend of this getting accustomed as the way we generally perceive, and speak about, Mars.
This is a misconception, though, and it leads us away from actually better understanding Nature, as well as understanding of astrological planets themselves, the planet Mars included!
In our current cultural framework, it has become habitualized to perceive the meaning of the word *power* as something that indicates an activity or process of over-powering, or over-whelming, or dominating something; this notion includes, at its root, a specifically *competitive* mutual relating, a struggle/strife, between a given two sides, and with an either-or in it as a necessary quality of conditions.
Yet, *power* as such is not this - this is solely one of manifold possible ways how that which, in Nature, is *power* can manifest.
Power, in simplest terms, is the *vital movement of energy* itself - it is akin to a river current; it's the very *how* of the Being of the space-time continuum; it's not something that can be contained-within or represented-with only one or another definite, specific form. Every form, and every planetary ergie, is just an expression, a “subset”, of this -- the Vital stream of Energy as such. The Earth itself is one expression of it, the Sun, or any star, is another kind of expression of it, etc - everything that is or can be is simply one manifestation or expression of it.
We can not use one single planet to, in a wholesome way, actually fully and accurately represent this. - If we'd somehow *have* to do that, the closest we could get is to attribute it to Uranus, from the perspective of prioritizing the "current" quality of it (the streaming, akin, say, to the river-streaming phenomenon, or the electricity-streaming, or the Kundalini within our human systems).
But this, in truth, is not adequate - none of the specific forms, not any one single-among-the-many this or that particular expressions of this Stream-of-Energy itself, or a single astrological planet, can be a representative of it in a wholesome and defining manner.
So, there really isn't such a thing as "power needs" within the human psyche. Power doesn't "look for" to in some way "win-over", or "overtake" something or other, nor to "achieve" anything in specific; it simply *is*; without it none of us would at all in any way be!; and it is not something that one can "have", as a "possession", nor something that one can "have more of it or less of"; to talk about a person's "power needs" is akin to speaking about their "sky-needs", or "water-needs", and the like!
If we want to define or speak about astrological Mars, with orientation toward understanding, and the desire for accuracy in this, we can, rather, talk about practical directed-energy needs, or physical-activity needs, etc ( - and, in pathological expressions, this can turn into *domination-over*, or *overcoming* of something/someone from environment, and so forth).
In simplest terms, Mars is about specific, particularized channels of the energy moving, so that it moves with intensity and in a definite manner (look at the planet's glyph!); and it's fundamentally connected to practical immediacy of the physical realm, and making changes within it.
If a single sentence describing concisely the nature of this planet is to be used, we could say it is:
FOCUSED APPLICATION OF ENERGY, and such that it introduces-changes-to/affects the physical realm.
Each of us has this tendency as an "ergie" within own psyche/system, and for each it is uniquely different how it "works"/operates, so we look at the peculiar position and configurations of natal Mars, for these "details" about it.
Whether it will tend to manifest in a pathological (damaging for individual and their environment) or a healthy manner is *not* defined by the Natal Mars aspects or its zodiac position!
It is primarily defined by the overall cultural conditions, and the how (quality) of the collective-patterns for the energy-movement; for, each of our individual activity-patterns (the "channels", the energy-pathways created through action itself, and through experience, and habitualized/established as "normal" through repetition) exists within the context of the given person's environment.
Mars itself, as it is, or this capacity-for-focused-application-of-energy in practical sense, is entirely *neutral* - it is neither "good" nor "bad"; as with each of the planetary ergies, it is simply a phenomenon of Nature. But with Mars in specific, given its unique quality as an ergie, it is easy to -- by observing the consequences of actions, or observing the results or such-and-such peculiar channel-patterns (energy-application-pathways) -- practically determine the "good" and the "bad", and to in a specifically emphasized manner perceive these aspects of the phenomenon represented by this planetary principle.
Before there is the outward, physical expression (via activity/movement of body), there is an internal initial movement of this directed-application-of-energy: this is what we generally know by the term/notion of *choice*; when the choice is perceived within the realm of one's conscious operations/processes, that's the Choice proper; when it is initiated from the subconscious level, and from within the deeper psycho-biological layers, that's what we generally don’t perceive as a “choice” and instead, call *compulsion* (or otherwise, a necessity).
But in both cases, it is about the pathways, the channels-established via *application-of-energy* (the focused-movement of it), whose particular quality will determine whether the further movement of energy (from the more basic, primal, primordial levels/layers, into the surface-expressions of it) comes out as that which we call "a choice" or as that which is "a compulsion", or as that which we can definitely determine as "good" or as "bad".
Unlike *power* as such, which is unlimited, what is represented by astrological Mars necessarily contains in it the existence of *limitation*: the focused-movement/application of energy happens, as process, within some environment, and it is this context that makes it possible for there to at all be such a peculiar phenomenon as this! --- So there are choices/compulsory-tendencies, and peculiar channels which get formed by actions taken (directed/focused-energy motion itself) , and specific consequences of this (in accordance to its quality) - with the either-or, and the mutually-conflicting duality aspects, of it: *physically*, one can be at one place at one given time, and not simultaneously at more than one places; one can apply the energy streaming through one's system during a given life-time in one way or in another; at each moment of time-space continuum, while existing as a human on Earth, we abide within this either-or context. And Mars is specifically the ergie of directing, applying the energy *within* this context.
So, Mars in one's chart, its peculiar position and configurations, describes one's individual, unique overall *doing-qualities* -- the peculiar "colors" and "flavors" of it, and the how-exactly-it's-connected to the rest of the chart. But whether these qualities, the peculiar composition-and-coloring of it, will tend toward the "good" or the "bad", toward the pathological, or the healthy (the harmonious or harmful - and so in a smaller or wider context of environmental-operations) we can not somehow determine-in-advance *solely* from the astrological chart itself --- the full practical context, the cultural conditions and actualities of one's existence, provide the specific framework, within which a given natal-Mars, with its unique configurations, will get to develop and be expressed.
And in the so-called "esoteric" tradition which has been vitally existing alongside Astrology itself for ages, it is Mars – not Jupiter! not Saturn! – which has been connected to the principle of JUSTICE.
This, of course, is not coincidental, and we can get a better understanding of this now through the approach to, and observation of, the Mars ergie devoid from the misplaced attachment of the notion of "power" to it:
The consequences of every action, every instance of the focused-application, the directed-movement, of energy, are in their quality *precisely* adequate to the action itself.
( - we can see the record of human deeper awareness of this, reflectively formulated, and kept as collective-knowledge throughout time, in the folk-wisdom-sayings such as "what you sow is what you reap", "by their fruits shall ye know them", etc. …)


~ Know Thyself! ~


Thomas Charles Lethbridge - Life events

Thomas Charles Lethbridge - Life events


This analysis is a detailed look-up into charts for three life-periods of the Native, written primarily to be of use for the experienced astrologers familiar with Sidereal prognosticating techniques, but with aiming at directness and simplicity of elaboration so that the currently-students may also, hopefully, find practically-useful and valuable information in it as well.

 T.C. Lethbridge born:
March 23rd, 1901   4:00 GMT  Dunster, England 



In is not always easy to directly & immediately see the difference in quality of information provided between the use of the SSR-SLR and the SL-LS Luminary-related period charts as the basic technique tool-kit for individual annual & monthly periods. - And actual analysis of period charts becomes, over time, less & less possible to perform adequately (and thus, to be able to give accurate prognosis), as one gets accustomed to habitually merely superficially glancing at these charts, for the sake of "harvesting data" from them toward building up a "statistically proven case" about how "splendidly perfectly working" is something which suits one's own bias-patterns.


When one uses the actually functional-for-prognostics Luminary period-techniques, there is no need to seek to "prove" anything - Life itself is proving the functionality of that which actually does work; it requires statistics to be "proven" as much as gravity requires statistics in order to be acknowledged as practically existing for a human on Earth.

Here we have an example of a Natus with abundance of biographical information and a well-recorded birth-time, providing us with a nice opportunity for an attentive detailed look-up.


I have selected three periods from his life which can serve best for a written analysis like this, with intent to encourage you to not be satisfied with that only, but to go on and proceed with further investigation on your own.




The second half of year 1921 was very dynamic and eventful for Lethbridge:
during August, he engaged in an Arctic Expedition, experiencing such daring and adventurous voyage for the first time (and being part of the team who was first to successfully climb the Beerenberg), as well as getting the opportunity during this journey to excavate at an abandoned Eskimo settlement, as own first & unique practical archeological work; and upon return, in October, begun attending the classes at Cambridge Trinity College [where he, not being very interested in abiding by the 'academic standards' and 'authority rule' requirements, graduated in June 1923 with "a third class B.A."].


The two different annual technique-charts that cover this same period are his Solar Return 3/23/1921 and the Soli-Lunar 4/30/1921; he resided in Crowthorne, England, before starting to attend the college at Cambridge.

Let's look at the angularities and the Lunar aspects of each of these charts! - I will list these factors, avoiding to comment too much, and primarily allowing the naked data to speak for itself.


--- As you observe the picture formed by each of the two charts, keep in mind the question:to what extent would we be able to in advance accurately (non-vaguely) predict the key themes, the nature/quality of (now in retrospect, obviously, already-known) events and experiences for the Natus, by using one or the other of these charts as our basic annual-period technique?


SSR 3/23/1921


t Sedna AC 1*36'
t Mars AC 3*01'
t N.Node DC 3*27'
t Neptune ND 2*42'
t Venus AC 6*23'

r Sedna AC 28'
r Moon AC 1*09'
r Saturn MC 1*25'
r N.Node DC 5*52'


SSR Moon aspects:
oct s Neptune 1*09' a
oct s Venus 1*10' s
opp s Uranus 4*09' a
cnj s Saturn 4*16's
oct r Moon 40' s
sq r Neptune 2*56' a


--- configurations of the progressed Moon pertinent to the time of known events and experiences (orbs for mid-month):

 August 1921 :
sq tr Saturn 23' s

 ---> from which we'd to conclude this is one of the personally worst months of the year for the Natus, primarily themed by them experiencing some major kind of suffering/constraint/loss --- and it's probably connected to their personally closest, intimate or family relationships, based on what the whole picture of the chart's Angularity and the s Moon's aspects, shows ...


 October 1921:
opp r Sun 50' s


SL 4/30/1921

t Neptune DC 1*11'
t Jupiter WP 1*16'
t Uranus EP 1*26'
t Moon AC 7*59'
(Ju opp Ur 10' ecl.;
AC = Mo/Ur m)

r Mercury EPa 1*26'
r Mars DC 6*57'
(r Me cnj t Ur 13', opp t Ju 23' ec.)


SL Moon aspects:
sq SL Sun 54' a
opp SL Neptune 2*42' a

--- configurations of the progressed Moon for the noted periods (orbs for mid-month):

 August 1921:
opp SL Neptune 47' s
oct r Neptune 01' s

 --> with a team of people engaged in adventurous exploration of the territories yet-uncharted, he was sailing through the seas, and walking through the unknown lands, fueled by the dream-aspirations from own early childhood!! - if we knew nothing about the events, and have only seen this Lunar progression during this particular SL picture as it is, we'd be able to clearly say that this month brings focalized something of importance with a vision/dream quality to it, and within the context of: discovery/exploration-expansion/revelation, exposure-to-entirely-New, with opportunity for pronounced expression of own physical and mental capacities, and in a focalized way themed with intensified shared adventurous group/collective joy and excitement, annual period.


October 1921
oct SL Eris 42' a





A quite different kind of eventitude has befallen the Native during January 1948: he has received the information that his younger son, 21.5 years old at the time, has committed suicide.

The exact date of this I didn't find online - which invited for the look-up of the bi-weekly charts during the month, as well, in addition to the annual-period related preview.

Again, I'll avoid to comment in great detail, allowing, instead, primarily the astrological data itself to say what it has to say.

Look at the exact picture formed by all the prominent factors together, exactly as they are, in each chart, and the wider picture of "tides within tides" when all the layers - the Annual, the Lunar progression of it, and the bi-weekly charts - are considered.


Solar Return 3/24/1947
(Cambridge orbs)

t Uranus WPa 41'
t Mars IC 1*22'
t Jupiter AC 1*57'
t Venus ND 2*16'
t N.Node DC 8*20'
t Mercury IC 9*42'

r N.Node AC 17'
r Uranus EPa 1*15'
r Pluto WPa 1*30'
r Venus IC 8*04'


SSR Moon aspects:
oct s N.Node 56' a
cnj s Sedna 3*47' a


--- configurations of the progressed Moon on 1/15/1948:
oct r Mars 37' a

 -> Don't miss to notice that this is natal Mars!

Without knowing anything about events, and with seeing this SSR as it is and this progression, we'd conclude that this is the period when the Natus is especially emphasizedly physically engaged/active, very likely pronouncedly competitive, or otherwise angry and generally in a more-than-usual aggressive mode, expressing their own Mars - perhaps engaging in a fight, or being belligerent, or simply being very self-assured, with the sexual drive high and incentive to penetrate/conquer/overpower/attack/enflamedly-defend something or other from within the framework of immediate experience-stream.

 The transiting Uranus-Mars-Jupiter trio in the sharpest fore, and accompanied by t Venus as it is, indicates risky/adventurous undertakings of a pleasurable, gusto-for-life, kind, as the main theme of the events and circumstances of the year - and when the whole picture is considered, with acknowledging that Uranus both tr and rx is in the sharp fore, we see that it's primarily about the individual Freedom and renewal, the Natus is experiencing a being-reborn kind of inner revolution, with own authentic desires re-kindled to expressiveness ...)

So, how was the month of January 1948 for him?

SLR 12/23/1947

t Uranus MC 1*04'
t Mercury IC 2*39'
t Eris DC 3*19'
t Sun AC 9*32'

r Venus WPa 1*24'
r Neptune MC 4*59'
r Uranus IC 6*06'
r Sun DC 6*58'
r Pluto MC 7*29'
r Sedna DC 8*35'


DSLR 1/5/1948

t Moon WPa 1*16'
t Jupiter DC 2*47'
t Eris AC 3*20'
t Uranus AC 6*31'
t Chiron DC 6*45'
t Sedna AC 8*18'
t N.Node AC 8*24'
(Ju opp Er 27' m,
Se cnj Nod 06' m) 

r Moon EPa 2*05'
r Uranus DC 2*57'
r N.Node DC 7*36'


 SLR 1/20/1948

t Venus EPa 12'
t Mars WP 36'
t Moon ND 1*47'
t Mercury AC 2*54'
t Sun AC 3*24'
t Saturn DC 5*34'
(AC = Me/Su)

r Mars DC 9*08'
r Mercury AC 9*10'
(Me opp Ma 02' m)

--> a very exciting month, with the themes of Freedom/renewal and Change pronounced in particular between 12/23 and 1/19; emotionally stimulating, related to his ideal romance or dream/vision in this regard, during the 12/23-1/4 period, requiring a lot of adaptability to shifting circumstances and with focus on sudden, unsuspected tide of Joy in this all, during the 1/5-1/19 period, and quite heated from 1/20 onward, with the Natus being under attack (perhaps experiencing physical violence) and in some passionate way, with presence of authority-figures, and with it all limiting Native's own expression/movement, while he's being called to especially be verbally aggressive/penetrating, express own precision/speed/dexterity with mind and with hands, in some specific manner ...




SL 4/30/1947

t Sun WPa 48'
t Chiron EP 1*11'
t Saturn MC 1*24'
t Mercury DC 2*49'
t Sedna DC 7*47'
t Pluto MC 9*26'

r Moon WPa 22'

SL Moon aspects:
sq SL Uranus 3*43' a
sq r Pluto 41' a
sq r Uranus 1*49' a

--- configurations of the progressed Moon on 1/15/1948:
oct pSL Sun 06' s
oct pSL Pluto 39' a

This month of January in the bi-weekly-tide rhythm, from what the LS charts show:

LS 12/21/1947

t Venus ND 1*33'
t Sedna DC 7*45'
(Ve sq Se 49' m)

r Moon WPa 1*04'


dLS 1/2/1948

t Venus DC 47'
t Pluto AC 2*10'
t Sedna MC 9*08'
t Neptune IC 9*23'
t Eris MC 9*55'
t Saturn DC 10*00'
(Ve opp Pl 1*23' m;
MC = Se/Er;
Ne opp Er 32' m;
Sa sq Se 52' m)

r Saturn WPa 1*21'

LS 1/17/1948

t Venus AC 38'
t Pluto DC 1*37'
t Saturn DC 3*34'
t Mars DC 3*50'
t Uranus IC 6*04'
t Mercury AC 8*40'
(DC = Ma/Sa)

r Mercury AC 00'
r Mars DC 14'
r Venus AC 5*17'
r Sun AC 6*26'
(Su cnj Ve 1*09' m)


--> for the event of this specific nature & scope (of impact to the Natus), it's not surprising that we see a sequence of charts showing very similar planetary tone as the main-themes marker -- it is not something that comes up as a "temporary disturbance" and then within two-to-four weeks entirely "evaporates" from the Natus' awareness and life-experience.

The specific planetary combinations of these charts eloquently speak for themselves - the whole picture of angular factors in each chart, together with their unique peculiar groupings (clusterings).


Even if this was NOT happening during the period when the pSL Moon is within 1* of orb in dynamic aspect with both pSL Sun and the pSL Pluto, and "merely" appeared as this exact given sequence of Luni-Solars during the annual chart, SL, with the angularity and the Moon aspects of it as they are, we could do nothing but predict, based on such combination of charts, a period emphatically themed with a high-impact event/s with quality of profound emotional loss, for the Natus - or at least such that the changes, related to a close/beloved someone, which this period brings are emotionally heavy, irrevocable (of the "door forever further closed" kind), and that even if there's not someone they love/care-about who physically died, for the native themselves the experience is quite akin to exactly this.





For the third example, we'll look at the charts pertinent to the event of 9/30/1971, Lethbridge's death
He was residing in the Branscombe village next to Seaton, at the time, and died in a hospital in Exeter.


SSR 3/24/1971 (Seaton)

t Mars AC 20'
t Chiron ND 1*18'

r Jupiter AC 1*59'
r Saturn AC 4*11'
r Chiron AC 7*51'
r Moon IC 8*03'
r Neptune DC 9*02'
(Mo sq Ne 59' m)


SSR Moon aspects:
oct s Chiron 30' s
cnj s Venus 1*22' s
cnj s N.Node 1*48' s
oct r Sedna 49' s
sq r N.Node 10' s
opp r Mars 05' a


- configuration of progression of this Moon at the time of the event:
sq s Neptune 12' a


SLR 9/9/1971 (Exeter)

t Venus IC 8*22'

r Venus MC 2*02'
r Neptune EPa 2*08'
r Saturn DC 4*11'
r Chiron DC 6*48'
r Jupiter DC 7*58'


DSLR 9/23/1971

t Uranus AC 1*49'
t Chiron DC 1*16'
t Venus AC 7*46'
t Sedna DC 9*56'

r Saturn IC 3*05'
r Jupiter IC 8*13'
r Sedna DC 8*51'

---> this describes a month themed primarily with romantic-ideal/loving-relationships experiences, with the second part of it focalizing the refreshing changes for the native, and in whole, by what the orbs of included factors are showing, not a period with events of some especially great significance.

What exactly does the s Neptune with the progressed s. Moon indicate we could only vaguely guess - the age of the Native at the time is, by itself, certainly not a "warrant" of such aspect bringing death, and within the context of this Lunar Return, the monthly chart, we'd expect this primarily to be focused on the aesthetic, sensual and/or romantic-related phenomena.





SL 4/30/1971 (Seaton)

t Jupiter AC 44'
t Neptune AC 1*31'
t Pluto MC 7*36'
t Saturn DC 9*31'
(Ju cnj Ne 1*59' ecl.;
AC = Ju/Ne)

r Neptune EPa 27'
r Pluto DC 3*44'
r Venus IC 5*28'
r N.Node AC 7*02'
r Sun IC 7*48'
r Eris IC 9*50'


SL Moon aspects:
sq SL Mercury 17' s
opp SL Mars 4*44' a
oct r Mercury 36' a


- configuration of progression of this Moon at the time of the event:
opp SL Mars 29' s


LS 9/6/1971 (Exeter)

t Saturn DC 32'
t Moon IC 2*44'
t Neptune AC 4*13'
t Jupiter AC 4*23'
t Pluto MC 7*01'
(Ju cnj Ne 10' m)

r Pluto DC 2*40'
r Neptune WPa 2*11'
r Sun IC 5*02'
r Venus AC 7*57'
r N.Node AC 8*17'
r Eris IC 8*19'


dLS 9/20/1971

t Mercury AC 24'
t Saturn MC 2*50'
t Jupiter IC 3*36'
t Neptune IC 4*00'
t Pluto AC 10*00'
(Ju cnj Ne 24' m)

r Mercury DC 46'
r Eris DC 7*36'

---> We see the monthly chart bringing the exact same combination of foreground factors as the annual chart has, and this with the t Moon in the picture for the month added to it.

The t Jupiter-Neptune, as a duo, indicates the religious/mystical/ceremonial themes, or otherwise, the "between-the-veils" conditions of the subtle/invisible/immaterial realm and the mundane overlapping, the borderlines between them being thinned, if not entirely disappearing.

With that, we see the presence, in the annual chart, as well as the monthly and the bi-weekly, of the combination including: t Neptune, t Saturn and t Pluto (all of these three, in each chart), and with the annual and monthly having, along with this, the natal Sun, Neptune, Pluto and Node.

Being aware of Natus' age at the time, and seeing this peculiar clustering, repeated exactly as it is, during a period when the pSL Moon is going partile with the SL Mars, would beyond doubt alert us he is quite likely to depart the physical realm of living-as-human-on-Earth during this LS'a time-framework.

The bi-weekly, within this, puts also emphasis on Mercury, both tr and rx, repeating the theme shown in the SL Moon's aspects, and speaking of a peculiar kind of communication-intensified experience (I say peculiar due to the context of this chart itself, as well as the monthly/LS in whole, and with the t Ju-Ne combo pronounced as it is, along with the t Saturn & Pluto presence, in each of these three "layer-tides").

The whole picture of these charts shows that there was no "suddenness" to the event - the Natus expected it, and by everything we can see, was internally well-prepared and fully ready for the moment of its arrival.


           The Natal chart:



~ Know Thyself! ~