
Anne Heche - death

This event has happened recently (from the time I'm posting here), so no specific introduction is necessary, the readers certainly remember from the news the details of how it went. [Her birth info can be found on astrodatabank, AA-rated data.]

It is an excellent example of the difference in value for prognosticating of the two different techniques of SSR-SLR  and the SL-LS toolkit. 

If we did not know about the SL-LS toolkit, and have only utilized the partial, single-body Return technique of the SSR and the SLR, we would have not in the slightest been able to predict the event - not even come close to in advance depict, by using our astrological tools, the quality of the given shorter period (monthly/bi-weekly) for the Natus, let alone expect this to be a period when the person may actually die.
--- By what her current, pertinent to the time, SSR and SLR show, this was an exceptionally Venusian period for her, with the current SLR emphasizing the Jovial as the main theme - transiting Jupiter being the strongest factor present angular! 

The SL-LS toolkit , on the other side (even with the absence of precise info about where she was when the SL has set!), gives an accurate and clear, direct picture:

Leaving the angularities aside, for we don't know for sure the location when the current SL set (9/13/2021), and the chart pertains to the whole year of life and experience, can't be taken to speak of only this event (- with note of importance, though: the SL Moon in the chart has only one aspect: cnj r Mars),
here's the situation of the p SL Moon on 8/5/22 at 10:55h, Mar Vista:

p SL Moon 3*15' Sag
sq SL Mars 42' a
sq r N.Node 17' a
- and tr Sun came to "light it up",
oct p SL Mo 01' at 10:55h local time.

Looking at the current monthly chart, to see how has she been feeling, generally, at the time (with Mar Vista as reference location):

LS 7/23/22

t Saturn WP-a  34'
t Sedna MC  3*36'
t Moon MC  5*49
t N.Node MC  9*01'

r Neptune IC  45'
r Sun MC  6*09'

... if we knew nothing about the events, and only used this chart to describe the Native's condition during the period, we'd clearly see: they don't feel well at all, to say the least - feeling heavily oppressed, potentially even outright suicidal.
(Depending on the specific practical details and overall psychological stability of the Natus, the rx Neptune in this exact combo as such can turn either way, toward numbing-oneself-out, or toward some mystical/artistic activity as way of processing and sublimating the experience - this we wouldn't know from charts alone, w/o having any practical info about the person. But in any case, with seeing in advance this specific LS in the context of the current SL Moon's situation, we'd be alerted.)


~ Know Thyself! ~

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