
Juliane Koepcke - 12/24/1971

Juliane Koepcke - 12/24/1971

On this date, the then 17-years old Juliane, fell from a lightening-bolt struck airplane (LANSA flight 508), to the ground, landing in the Amazon jungle, somewhere between Tournavista and the Panguana research station.

She spent about 10 days alone with the jungle wilderness, wounded and with developing wounds-infestation from insect bites, until managing to find an encampment (there initially using gasoline found in a boat-tank to quick-aid treat the arm infestation, and then being found by the local people and brought to hospital).
Of the 93 passengers and crew on the plane, she was the only person to survive the crash.

The Nativity is marked by the 20' wide Jupiter cnj Uranus, with both of them under 30' from IC - this is the peculiar feature of the chart that is not merely one of the strongest, by orb, chart factors, but is in whole the central unique marker of this chart, with this conjunction being so tight and also both of them being so sharply on the Angle (Uranus is 07' from IC, Jupiter 22'!).
This aspect has been famous for its "effect" of denoting some kind of *remarkable*, exceptional, out-of-the-ordinary, the what-is-considered Luck of the nativity that features it. Ebertin gave it the nick-name "Thank the Lord!" aspect: "[...] because people having such configuration have repeatedly exclaimed the words "Thank the Lord" after the release of the tension or strain for which they were suffering." (- R.Ebertin, COSI, pg 172).

For Juliane, this 12/24/1971 event of having landed alive -- and in condition well enough to manage to find her way toward salvation and healing -- after the plane-crush (and at that, a plane stricken by a lightening bolt!), coming out of it as the survivor, a sole one, amidst the whole group of 93 people aboard, has certainly been not only "one among many" of manifestations of her unique Ju-Ur conjunction as the peculiar stand-out mark of her Nativity, but one such which has, both, affected in a definite & remarkable way the rest of her life, as well as made her world-known for this experience. --- She is a child of two scientists, and herself a scientist as well, but her name is primarily connected to this peculiar eventitude, as a rare example of such an outstanding, extraordinary type of individual "luck".

She was residing at the time, as a finishing high-school student, in Lima, Peru; on the day of the event, she took the plane from Lima (together with her mother), to get to Panguana, the biological research station in the Amazon forest, where her parents have been residing.

They boarded at around 11 AM, and the plane took off from Lima at around Noon on the day; at exactly Noon, transiting Mars was at 4*20' Pisces - 18h away from entering orb conjunct Juliane's natal Moon. The Mars was within 1* of orb with the natal Moon then during the following 2.5 days (till morning of December 28th), which we can ascertain to must have been the harshest, emotionally & physically most challenging period for her, of this whole peculiar 10-days adventure.

From the pertinent SSR, and the SLR charts (all three of them which one could look at - including the one that still hasn't set at the exact time of event, but a few hours later, on 12/24 at 16:25h), we would be brought to conclude that there is some sudden change re the native's emotional life/intimate relations (the active chart for the event, DSLR 12/10), as the most pronounced theme of the period, and that the person is currently experiencing some hardship and strain, most likely coming as something from-the-environment/circumstances (prog. SSR Moon oct p. sol. Saturn 26' S), although it's not excluded it's initiated from the Native's side as well (rx Mercury-Saturn duo as closest angular, and in whole strongest factor of the current SLR, 11/27).

None of these speak about either the actual primary key themes of the sequence of events and the experience for Native, nor do they in any way provide the information about what's been the simple, unavoidable to see as such, central marker-theme of this peculiar period and the 12/24 event: the Native's survival of a sudden plane-crush, and so that not only did she happen to simply get-alive, but in a remarkable way, managing to find her way out of the wilderness of Amazonian jungle after spending 10 days alone there, in conditions of both physically and emotionally having been affected by the deadly-hit of the event of the crash.

The LS 12/12/71, on the contrary, clearly communicates the message about the Native's experience:
The strongest factors present, by orb, are: transiting Mars and natal Moon (with n Moon being the sole natal angular planet present) --- something hurtful, aggressive, in a way invasive/violent, is meeting the Native from the environment; their own adaptation needs, immediate feeling of safety & security in a very intimate, biological/physical, as well as psychological sense (n Moon) is being thus affected, and called-forth to be primarily focalized in expression.
The rest of the picture then gives additional details: together with these two as strongest, there're: transiting Mercury, Sun and Jupiter also angular.
From this, we see simply & directly the main theme. She had to deal with the life-threatening aggressiveness of the circumstances (t Mars), while being in peculiar way psycho-biologically present to all the details of the conditions (n Moon)- fully receptive for even the tiniest shift in the whole of information-stream from without & within, and rapidly, instinctively responding to everything, in a fast adaptation/adjustment manner, toward keeping herself alive.
And in the whole of it (the chart is pertinent to the 4 weeks beginning with 12/12, and primarily depicting the first two weeks of this period), we see, as other/additional prominent features going along with this central theme (t Mars= n Moon): presence of: Mercury-related themes (communication/transportation, learning etc), Sun-related themes (authority figures/officials) and Jupiter-related themes (protection, support, etc) - with all of this characterizing what's *coming from the side of the environment* (transiting planets).

We don't know her exact location on 12/25 at 21:35 h local time, when the LS-chart for the second half of this personal month-of-life has commenced; this is the period during which: she gradually moved to come to conditions of receiving help, toward recuperating, and also, learned about her mother's death and about herself being the sole survivor of all the people aboard.
This bi-weekly chart would be informative for the period 12/25/71 21:30h till 1/8/72 at 8:31h local time; but even with knowing the exact location and being able to see this bi-weekly chart, the main themes for that whole current individual month of life (12/12/71 - 1/8/72) are depicted by the LS 12/12.

Due to this event being of such life-importance, I don't want to give attention only to the weekly/daily factors, but want to share here with you the valuable details of the full list of the SL's angular planets and the Lunar aspects (which depict her year of life: 3/21/71 - 3/30/72):

SL 3/21/1971 (Lima)
t Jupiter MC 8*03'
r Pluto DC 5*53'
(that's the whole picture of Angularity!)

SL Moon at 22*09' Sag, with dynamic aspects:
sq r Sun 52' a
oct SL Neptune 1*29' a
sq SL Mercury 2*35' s
sq SL Eris 4*18' s
sq SL Uranus 4*28' s

Considering the whole of this picture, we see: it's a year of major life-change(s), bringing up such events which put to the fore (prompt to most directly-being-expressed) the Native's Pluto-ergie of their psyche: the inner primal, Authentic aspects of this individual human being's existence are coming to, in some prominent way, be openly/directly expressed, during the course of the year; and this within circumstances which we can, in a general way, depict as "favorable for the Native", supportive of their well-being, etc (t Jupiter); with the combo of these two together speaking of big, important turn in Native's life-conditions (a turn essentially "for the good", from perspective of Native's own experience - it's transiting Jupiter - although by no means necessarily coming up in ways which are immediately at the time pleasant, or seen/felt as "easy" to go through).
The Lunar aspects then "fill" this with more details.
The natal Sun, and as tightest by orb, speaks about the Native's Life, their unique vitality-individuality being in some way brought into focus and required to be expressed. The Native is *important* in some emphasized manner to their environment during this year (at the very least, receiving far greater than usual attention, if not coming in some peculiar way to be seen by the "public eye" as a Person-of-Prominence).
The combination of the SL planets involved, together with this -- Mercury, Eris, Uranus and Neptune! -- is depicting the sudden-crash-of-airplane-struck-by-lightening, all with the shocking and confusing and dramatically-disturbing of it, rather very explicitly!

.... We've seen the LS for the monthly tide, and we've seen the transiting Mars coming over natal Moon for the shorter, few-days-only related, tide.

And then, 12/24 brought, as the specific day, an exact Sun-Pluto square in space, which came to be exactly (within 1* of orb) "interlaced" with her Direct Natal Midpoint of Venus/Saturn!

But what I find, from astrological perspective - when all the relevant charts and factors are examined - as truly mind-blowing, regarding the overall nature and the essential quality of this particular eventitude in time for this particular Nativity - an event in Juliane's life which was not merely "one of", but on the life-scale came to transpire as The Event, a direct, clear-cut, pronounced and unambiguous expression of the UNIQUE dominant mark of her specific Natal chart ( -- that "Thank the Lord" aspect, the "Surprise-hit of Extraordinary Luck" combination -- ) - is with what perfection this came to be "timed" by the aspects of the progressed SL Moon:

[Orbs on the day, 12/24/71, at Noon local time]

p SL Moon 2*42' Cap ---
opp r Uranus (3*20' Can) 38' a
opp r Jupiter (3*40' Can) 58' a
- and all of it:
oct t Mercury (2*52' Rims - at Noon) !!!

[  Juliane's birth data [AA-rated]:
Oct 10th 1954, 18:50h EST, Miraflores, Peru  ]


~ Know Thyself! ~

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