
Marjorie Cameron - June 1952

Marjorie Cameron - June 1952

How was, in experience, for Marjorie Cameron, the time period, and the exact day when Jack Parsons died?

Marjorie's birth data (AA-rated):
April 23rd, 1922 at 20:15h CST, Belle Plaine, IA

The event of Jack's death took place on:
June 17th 1952, in Pasadena, CA, at 17:45h local time.

Her current SSR (4/23/52, Pasadena) would make us think this was one of the veritably *happiest years of her life* (both tr and rx Jupiters are angular, the trio of tr Moon-Jupiter-Venus angular is the strongest by orb in the chart, rx Jupiter is the only angular natal planet, and the Moon of the SSR chart is conjunct its Jupiter!), and with the events during mid-June especially being the-most-Jovial.

Every relationship has the "mixed bag" qualities, and in the intimate partnerships, there're most often inter-aspects of mutual joy, appreciation and support, along with those of challenging nature, which portray some hardship; in this particular synastry, with their Moons tightly conjunct, and the Sun-Jupiter, Moon-Jupiter, Venus-Venus, Node-Sun and Node-Angle in the interaspects, we know --- as well as from everything that the historical records available can say --- that this wasn't some kind of pretense-game of mutual affection, but it was indeed an actually loving relationship.

Her current SL (set on the same day as his, 3/19/52, Pasadena) featured:
t Uranus DC 28'
t Saturn ZN 1*51'
t Sedna IC 3*01'
t Moon AC 3*43'
r Mercury IC 3*14'
r Sun IC 4*02'
r Pluto DC 4*08'

With the Moon of the chart having the following aspects:
oct SL Mars 31' A
sq SL Eris 4*43' A
sq r Saturn 11' S
sq r Eris 2*38' S
sq r Moon 3*59' S

Sudden, earthquake-like events, profoundly affecting the Native, shaking the very roots of their everyday life and way of being, are expected from this particular planetary picture.
The closest-by-orb factors in the whole chart are the Moon's aspect with transiting Mars and natal Saturn, together with tr Uranus' angularity; the events come up in a way which is abrupt, shock-surprising, in some way directly aggressive/attacking/hurtful, undoubtedly very painful (either "only" emotionally, or physically, or both) for the Native (SL Moon partile with t Mars and r Saturn), with the Natives own tendency-of-activity/response being of the withdrawal/closing-off/getting-away kind (r Pluto angular, r Saturn partile with the SL Moon).
Based on this, and what the current LS shows (it has set on 6/17, only 5 hours before the time his death happened), it seems her psyche has been simply refusing to accept that he is dead, and that the process of grieving, with slow, gradual coming to acceptance, has been unfolding during the rest of this SL year (the SL 3/19/53 had the Moon of the chart partile with her natal Jupiter, as only aspect of this Moon - a shift of tides toward feeling pronouncedly better, with own capacity for participating in the fullness of Joy of life being re-awakened, after the grim condition of these partile Lunar aspects of the SL '52).

The current for the event monthly chart, LS 6/17 (12:39h, calculated for Pasadena) has the combo of:
transiting Venus, Sun and Eris, together with natal Mars, Moon, Saturn and Eris:
-- Something of importance related to love/affection/close-relationships is happening, with an abruptness-of-utmost-unexpected in it, with Native's own condition of being angry/hurt, in either a fight-back or attack mode (while, also, simultaneously resisting and/or self-protecting - rx Saturn is there, together with rx Mars and Moon) being brought to the fore.
The sharp presence of transiting Sun speaks of presence of officials/authority-figure(s) in a prominent way during the bi-weekly period, and in the combination with natal Moon as well, we can be sure something major for the Native is taking place - with the rest of the planetary picture giving further details about the of-what-kind.

On the day:
The SL Moon progressed to be exact with natal Venus (oct 39' A), and with the following natal direct Midpoints (am listing all of them present in the picture):

sq Saturn/N.Node 24' S
cnj Moon/Jupiter 51' S
cnj Jupiter/Eris 18' S
sq Moon/Sedna 30' A
The Secondary Progressed Moon of the natal chart came to be exact with natal:
cnj Mercury 17' S
cnj Venus/Sedna 13' A
cnj Sun 27' A
sq Mars/Uranus 35' A

The transiting trio of Mercury-Saturn-N.Node -- all three of them, together -- came to make a partile dynamic aspect with the SL Eris (none of these aspects existed in the chart when the SL has set), together with tr Uranus being partile (28' S) with SL Saturn (they were in 2*43' wide square when the chart has set), and tr Neptune coming oct SL Venus (29' A).

And in the transits to the natal, we see the Node being prominent as the 'theme', both the transiting and the natal ones, but with focus obviously on the natal Lunar Node axis:

t Node oct r Pluto 15' S
t Node oct r Node 49' S
t Eris opp r Node 51' A
t Saturn cnj r N.Node 52' A

It's easy to see, based on all of this, that "it's something about important/close Relationships", and that there's the clear symbolism of ending/severing/terminating one or more hugely-important thus-far-existing ties.
(And, at the very hour of Jack's death (17:45h) transiting Mars came to 7*28' Libra - touching with sharp precision and in its peculiar fiery manner, the SL Moon/N.Node direct Midpoint at 7*24' Capricorn!)


~ Know Thyself! ~

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